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Everything posted by mec

  1. mec

    Hi Beam

    Cheers 3FIDDYZ. Never thought of getting LED side lights and chrome repeaters So do the Philips X-Treme power stack up against 55w+ bulbs?
  2. mec

    Hi Beam

    I'm finding the hi beam a bit pants on the Zed, I'm often on country lanes. Anyone fitted higher wattage H7's... 70w, 80w, etc... Any melting or yellowing of the headlights? (Legal caveat - Of course the country lanes I’m referring to above are the roads to my private Manor and naturally I will take the bulbs out on her majesty’s road and not use them to blind stoned hoodies or scare badgers) Gi
  3. Congrats Swindon! http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/driving/article4998031.ece
  4. Wonder what happened to the 350z in that vid, it's got a big dent in the front... I like the sound of the 370z, so when does the 350z go end of life?
  5. To be honest it is not the fines that bother me, it is the points on my licence. It is so easy to get 12 points and loose your licence now. You've stumbled on a good gov money maker, more fines could be issued if we have 12+ point licences
  6. wonder when we'll need to have direct debits to the pay fines...
  7. Hey now guys... go easy on them it's not their fault their lives are dull and uninteresting. ...Women are the same (petrol head girls, I’m generalising so no offence meant) they'll go through Hello/OK mag and pick fault in all the women with chest balloons... when secretly if they had a spare few thousand they'd be straight of down the plastic surgeons... ....sooooo what i'm saying is brush it off, you have a more fun car
  8. you will not get any gains, the ECU cancels it out, it's more for sound than anything else unless you add a piggy back ECU Ah yes forgot that... maybe I should save the money and just go for a plenum spacer
  9. I've been looking at this for a little while. To see if a cone has the advantage over a panel... given the price difference. The cars are different to ours but i think the principle is sound. In short a panel on this car gives +4hp and a cone +8.5hp http://www.mitsubishi-fto.net/performance/intakes/ Though there is a test where the guy has drilled his air box and gotten +5.5hp, which goes to show that moding the air supply to the standard box can give some extra boost. One thing I did notice is none of the above have any CAI or heat shielding. The next question i had was which would give the best performance and still maintain a level of protection. http://www.mkiv.com/techarticles/filters_test/2/ So now i'm confused, Apexi shows the best performance and protection in this test, but the previous test the Apexi was a bit pants.. Still as i'll be going down the panel root, I'll probably go with the Apexi. As though I want more performance I'm not willing to give up on protection. http://www.temple-tuning.co.uk/apexi-panel-air-filter-nissan-fitment-skyline-200sx-silvia-pulsar-350z-almera-primera-9-p.asp Anyone else seen any other tests?
  10. mec

    Mpg Statistics

    Minitab! god i'm sad
  11. mec

    Leather seats

    Burnt oranges ones are diff to standard... the top is in two parts. Not sure if the vent (black bit) is an option over here. Mec
  12. might as well post up my list of shame 1st C reg Vauxhall Nova 1.2 2nd B reg Vauxhall Nova 1.3 SR in Yellow 3rd F reg Fiat Uno Turbo... cheap tuning! a blead valve and new pants... done! 4th D reg BMW E30 318i, First RWD and i put it on its roof! 5th G reg Vauxhall Cavaliar 2.0 4x4 6th R reg Ford Escort 1.8 - company car 7th K reg Honda DelSol 1.6 SiR VTEC 8th S reg Lotus Elise S1 in Azure Blue. Sold it do a friend and he totalled it 9th V reg Honda S2000 in Red. 10th W reg Porsche Boxster S 3.2 - was great to drive, but everyone thought I was a c*ck. Shame but thats was the image it had. 11th 55 reg Mercedes C180k Sports Coupe - company car, goes in Nov 12th and current 04 Nissan 350z All the sports cars i've like for different reasons, too many to list. Next car is probably going to have 4 seats as life has changed a bit... though would give a kidney for a Baby Aston or DB9.
  13. Unfortunately it doesn't work, 1.52 that is. I emailed Jason and it only works on z32's and below (that was after I bought a license, doh!). The new NDS II does work on Zed's but to get the most out of it you will need their cable, though it doesn't offer any more that the normal ELM OBD scanning software... shame really, guess ECU's were a lot more open in the past.
  14. mec

    new VED changes

    The figure hasn't gone up in a while, sounds fishy to me...
  15. -1 any car with an import cries out i cant afford a uk car A bit harsh IMHO People do think it though, I think it depends on the car and if it there's a dodgy fog light or random mirror bolted on. Doesn't matter on a Skyline
  16. You can check your car online, shows the type approval and the cost of tax... wonder if the PLG cars show up different details. Click vehicle enquiry on the left http://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/ Tried it on an import off autotrader and it showed type approval null tax £185. Mines type approval M1 tax £210.
  17. the 100+ mph, i got caught by traffic officers in an unmarked bmw, they sat me down and showed me the recording. the 70mph in a 40mph zone, i got caught by a copper hiding behind a tree with a speed detection device (speed gun), when i asked the officer if he should have been hiding behind a bush and then jumping out like someone from a "police academy" movie, he started giving me the whole "im an officer, ill arrest you if i want, so shut up and do what i tell you" attitude. Gees lighting does strike twice!
  18. Yes it's very sobering, made me very careful where I enjoy going fast. I had a car pull right up onto my rear bumper the other day then yoyo back and forth a couple of times, I looked at the car and thought why are you being a kn*b and stayed at about 35 in the 30 zone... after about 1 mile while the car put on it's blue lights and went past wind the clock 5 years and would have been done.
  19. He gave you a fixed penalty... you lucky sod!
  20. Got 6 points and a £550 fine for 105mph. So not always a ban, just was very contrite and had a letter from my company saying it would have a business impact if I was banned. Mind I was nice to the officer as it started to rain just before he pulled me over, and he put light to no traffic and dry conditions down.
  21. How did they get you, if you don't mind me asking?
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