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Everything posted by fnvgn

  1. not exactly sure what you mean but if i stay in first gear while moving and dip the clutch in and out above 3000k the noise appears
  2. hi there , I have an 05 uK Zed that i have enjoyed for the past 3 years , i have stalked this forum in the last 6 months and found it to be very informative. However i have an anoying problem developing with the zed, Whenever I set off from 1st gear i can hear a clicking/scratching sound , It does it to a lesser degree in reverse gear. I can only hear it with the windows down. If I "hold" the car on the clutch a bit more i only hear the click slightly or sometimes not at all. There is no noise whatsoever if i am on a hill and just let the car freewheel down the hil in neutral. Searching on this forum seems to suggest a clicking axle thing , however i don't think it is that, it sounds more like the clutch or gearbox any suggestions would be appreciated
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