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  1. I'm just looking at the moment. They seem to have dropped in price dramatically over the last 6 months. Im looking to buy one around spring next year as I really love them, the only one thing that I am going to have to get used to is not hearing the whistle of the turbo. Does anyone know how a stock 350z would perform against a stock supra TT? That was my last car and I realy miss her.
  2. Just in case anyone needs a helping hand getting into the Christmas spirit, I thought this may help! 350Z's UK Christmas Countdown Now you can count down til the day you get your new gizmos for your Z!
  3. Cool, yes I'l be in my supra. There should be a lot of people going by the looks of things See you there!
  4. Sounds cool, afraid I can't do tonight though. WIll make sure I keep an eye on whats happening in the area on this forum more.
  5. Hi All I am a member from the MKIV Supra forum and thought I would let you all know about a mini jap meet that is being held next week at Bluewater. I have always loved 350Z's so would be good to see some down there! There is currently around 10 Supra's going, some Skylines/Imprezas/Pulsars/Civics. If any of you know any other jap forums that may be interested please could you pass the message on? Details: Sunday 29th June - 12PM House Of Fraser Car Park (Outside next to cliffs) Some Links: http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?t=128020 http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116925 http://www.nissangtir.co.uk/forum/forum ... ?TID=23629 Hope to see some of you guys there!
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