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TT Convert

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Everything posted by TT Convert

  1. so basicly your saying theres no need to upgrade your PC Get VMWare??
  2. touch up is easy to balls up too, I have chips on my gm too, but Im waiting untill it gets that bad (i get a new chip every week) then i will get the chips away guy in to do the lot as the price is the same for 1 chip as for 10 chips(same panel that is)
  3. that was going to be my next suggestion as Im have a slight problem with something I have bought off here ( The seller is haveing family problems so he is exused) I am doing it through paypal. Surley you can claim off the carrier???
  4. phil sorry to hijack the thread, but did you send the check for the spoiler?
  5. Yeha they wont cover the mods, they will just replace with OEM, but still its £35
  6. ok, just informed admiral that I have a APS Dual exhaust, Plenium spacer, and a nismo cold air intake, guess how much extra they wanted........................................... £35
  7. No, jump that baby......................... or call the AA to do it for ya
  8. I need a favour from one of you helpfull guys out there. I have been messaging bigphil with no avail, (I have no phone, dont ask why ) can somebody get hold of him and ask him to check his messages, I know hes having a hard time with personal things at mo, but I need to get something sent to him
  9. yeha only uk, us that carnt afford a uk dont have em haha
  10. Im from manchester (ish) way, warrington to be true, I have just had a P3 done at a cost of £200+ VAT, car didnt require it, but I have only just bought it and I like 'peice of mind' when I buy new cars.
  11. dont know about chester, but I stayed in Manchester last night, near canal st..........need I say more
  12. I meant £160 off bigphil
  13. Dude , get a nismo, you can get em off bigphil for around £160 or from America for £130 delivered http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... 97245&rd=1
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