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TT Convert

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Everything posted by TT Convert

  1. looks exactly the same as the K1 to me
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/02-03-04 ... .m14.l1318 from america
  3. carefull youll scratch it, 2 ways, 1 is soak in wd40 leave for half hour and try again. no 2 (if you dont intend on fitting them bk) screw 2 screws into them then you have something to grab with mold grips and give a good tug!
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... :IT&ih=011 that ok?
  5. hey people look at this on ebay in america 320266135828 , I just bought 1
  6. hey people look at this on ebay in america 320266135828
  7. Its a girl in my street , she has a new man, or should I say boy, Everytime I start it up the corsa's light go CRAZY , and he comes to the window, I just pretend I havent noticed :lol::lol:
  8. I have never had any lights come on? BUT I DO SET A SUPED UP CORSA s alarm off evrytime I fire up the ZED
  9. as far as Im aware its the same 1 as phils, but alot cheaper. I did list a thread before with pics and desciptions and everybody agreed its the same one. Bought it off ebay( i know it was a chance, but it worked out good) Like I say , I havent gone on about it much as bigphil is a high respected member and i dont wana upset him, or make him feel Im trying to steel his buissness
  10. like I said mine isnt off phil, dont want to undercut him or anything, but i Paid around £300 for it inc 'Y' Pipe
  11. When it was firs tfitted I thought , oh my god, this is a mistake! Its been on for a week now and the sound has changed. Its not as loud, but just as loud....Yeha yeha Iknow that sounds stupid! carnt explain. The best way to look at it is the noise has change to a more deep rumble untill you put your foot down then it sounds like a Austin martin or summat. Well worth the money
  12. Dude............I have the same exhaust (from another supplier) TAKE THEM BUNGS OUT!!!! its god dam amazing.........
  13. just figured out, I had no need to buy the software. could of used my genden one that I have from the TT days, just needed a new cable :rant:
  14. and does it give you the function to reset the ecu?
  15. and does it work with a normal obd2 cable?
  16. is it free, or is that a silly question
  18. I know on my audi I had to disconect the battery for an hour and leave the drivers dorr open and the bonnet reconnect, do this do that do the other and it didnt wipe it but rest it to satrt learning again BUT WERE IS THE SOCKET ON THE ZED????
  19. ok, so now I know there is one somewere, can somebody tell me were and how to reset the ECU
  20. hmmmmmm I have an odb2 from my audi TT days, had no idea I could use it on my zed, were is the socket?
  21. 10 oclock last night was a biy late to phone them up!
  22. Anybody know how much my insurance will go up if I tell them I have had an aftermarket exhaust fitted? Im with admiral btw
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