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Blue meanie

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Everything posted by Blue meanie

  1. As far as I am aware, the engine is exactly the same, except for the intake tube. This one has baffles in it, which is why the G35 folks hand around like a bad smell on 350Z classified sites to buy the stock Z tube. Suspension parts are interchangable, it just effects the height. I think stock 350 shocks, and springs lower by an inch, but I'm no expert. So, engine is the same, the chassis is 'the same' except the G35's have a slightly extended one I believe. So... Shagging stories.. Well, what I do is clamber into the back, panting like a dog in heat, and drop trousers, and hope for the best...
  2. The chaps on the G35 forums say it's one of the best of the ECU-esque mods. Most think it is better than a Unichip RR remap thingy. Apparently it's good for 25+hp. Have you considered Uprev's Osiris? http://www.uprev.com/products/osiris_NI.html
  3. It would be nice, but unfortunately it took all my strength to pay for that, cash, as I spend all my money! I'm a crap saver!
  4. That would be nice! T'other place is getting a bit odd. Thanks for the welcome folks
  5. First things first... I never knew about this place. MartinMac told me to sign up, so if anyone takes the mickey I shall be forced to hunt him down, and rip off his man-clackers with my teeth for causing me such trauma. Anyway, I don't have a 350Z. However, I do have a G35/Skyline 350GT, or whatever it gets called in whatever country you happen to be in at the time. Failrly similar cars, i suppose, mines just like a Russel grant, to your Linford Christie! Still, I can shag in the back, so ner ner na ner ner! I've only had her for a short whilst, and I had to depart to distant lands to earn some cash, but I shall begin my fettling when I get home. Plans, as it stands are to keep it as stock looking on the outside, and make it a bit of a sleeper. First things first, I've got to get a Z-tube, some sort of drop in filter, (keeping the stock airbox), and a G35 Coupe Midpipe, (no idea if that is the same as the Z midpipe, I presume it is). Then I'll have a gander at the plenum spacer, (5/16ths), and the grounding wires... After that, I'm not sure. Probably give the brakes a seeing to. They aren't bad as is, but I'd like to braid the hoses, and get some decent fluid, and pads on there. Erm, Ok, I'm rambling away... Here's some piccies of her stock, a few days after I got her. Forgive the flies plastered over the front, but I went on a bit of a mammoth drive! So, 2003.5 G35 Sport sedan, with premium, and Aero package, (cd of 0.26 seemingly), and although the book says 260 bhp, there is a 'thing' whereby the SAE ratings changed, and they are actually 275 bhp, according to dyno tests... But who knows... Anyway, hello
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