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Martin W

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Everything posted by Martin W

  1. Hi and welcome AM sure you will love it..
  2. I smell trouble brewing.... As in GiveTheMinelPower ?
  3. You and nurrish having a life swap?
  4. I think they come up occasionally, but you have to ask 'would you buy a used VQ35 from this man? ' ?????
  5. We all wave, but I make a point of not racing Zed's. Just other stuff!!
  6. Hi, welcome and i'm sure you'll enjoy y'self here
  7. drop a pm to ZMANALEX, he might be able to help, failing that R35LEE.
  8. Try PM to Bulletmagnet for a bonnet oh! and
  9. Echoing the others thoughts.. whats replacing the Z?
  10. I think the thread title includes the word @bronze@ jerry
  11. Did I spot you in lightwater the other day? (A320) near Chobham?
  12. great to hear. I've been talking to Abbey, being a nissan specialist for a while. I have an FI setup, with a Dastek Unichip piggyback Any comments for people in my situation?
  13. I'm liking the idea put to me by Abbey of having a 'Valet Map' for when you leave the car with a Garage!
  14. sorry to hear this but almost a year for your first post
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