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Martin W

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Everything posted by Martin W

  1. Anyone got this as a spare they can let go?
  2. I got one which skipped CD tracks when cold. How much u offering
  3. Its probably illegal to watch a front view cam, bit like holding a mobile, distraction from driving.
  4. Exactly where I put mine - no more towing tho'
  5. Well - it was worth finding out at no cost
  6. # Bose unit i replaced with Pioneer AVIC-D3
  7. Whate are the 9 spots of light running up the inside of the headlight then?
  8. Note the Audi style LED's running up the inside of the headlights. Must get onto p15ULT !
  9. what's involved in getting the pod to bits? Dragan did this recently when changing the dials and both are now in the guides section! tx - will have a gander! - gave up on the Gel idea - Blood Red filter does the colour but removes 90% of the light!
  10. One thing I did notice in Acreee's threads was A guy who said he'd achieved similar results with theatre Gel's - amedning the LED colours. Well my samples arrived today.. from a UK co called Lee filters. Going to be a cold night to go through 200 filters to see which changes Orange to Red!!! if it works, i'll post up.
  11. I'd also like to know what your lead time is like when you come back Cheers
  12. Cheers, I defo interested in the internal paint and 'whatever it is' you did to get rid of the orange reflector. The halo lights on ebay I think are horrendously priced - but I prefer them to LED's - just can't make up my mind!
  13. That's a sensible suggestion as always, Colin. Spamming 20 posts isn't. WHo me? No he's talking about me sending 20 posts to myself in a forum designed to allow people to do things which do not affect other people. Spamming is actually sending them to other people!!! Why do you want to get rid of the 'hopeful' bit so much? (helping you out here ) I thought Ebized put it well Cheers!! +1
  14. I've learnt seach is sometimes a little hit and miss. Direct recommendation is how I prefer to choose.
  15. Ah! I do remember reading things changed in 06. I got a 54 plate model. Are they radically different?
  16. That's a sensible suggestion as always, Colin. Spamming 20 posts isn't. WHo me? No he's talking about me sending 20 posts to myself in a forum designed to allow people to do things which do not affect other people. Spamming is actually sending them to other people!!!
  17. Rather do business here of course, Who would supply them?
  18. OK thanks all. Camskill generally reckoned the cheapest for Falkens?
  19. Having had it over a year. I think a little more accuracy is justified. How do you change the bit under your Name?
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