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Martin W

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Everything posted by Martin W

  1. Well mine drains if I leave the seat on..... 10 times this year till I discovered the inncuous switch was on when i replaced the battery. Makes me wonder if having the Pioneer wired in somehow bypassed the ignition.. hmmm!!
  2. Yep - read the manual ( I didn't have to ) You sure? I have just read the manual and it does not say this. It only says * When your finished turn back to OFF * If you keep your heated seats on without the engine running you could kill the battery Doesn't say the seats stay on. More to the point I have just been away for 8 days from mine with them on and it started fine. Have done it before for 11 days too without any problem. As for the battery - if you have drained it you will have damaged it so i would recommend replacing it. EDIT: Having read the service manual heated seats are ONLY on with ignition. So leaving them switched on with the car off will NOT drain the battery What year is yours. I'm as sure as can be coz i did it - then found a warning not toleave them on in my 54 plates manual. Seemed bonkers not to just put a timer in....
  3. My battery is dead again this morning, its only been 4 days since it was last used but I can unlock mine with the remote, the windows autodrop when I open the door & I have dash lights (Very faint but they are on) I've tried jump starting mine but with no success, mine is a uk car though. Dodgy battery or something else wrong with car? (it hasn't had a proper run out since early december ) Sorry for hijacking your thread but its better than starting a new one for a similar issue 4 days is about how long it takes the heated seat to flatten the battery....
  4. no snow in somerset apparently m6, m5, m4, m25??? You du eback on the icebreaker?
  5. we could all take pic's and a prize for the biggest!
  6. Yes - its freaking stiff!! I took mine into the Garage 1st time, coz I thought it had stuck there for good
  7. Martin W

    p3 service

    How long did it take Paul? Was the M3 clear by the time u left?
  8. £55 delivered v the US ebay carbon. s/stl will be hard to beat
  9. Looks pretty good MartinW, whats your opinion of it so far? R Execllent! , I see you got a 900. You may find you need a few extras such as a Pioneeer wiring loom to fit the Bose speaker set
  10. I had the same thing after getting a BlueTpooth fitted in aprevious car by Halfords. They'd grounded the BT into the speaker wires!!
  11. Yep, Nissan pre-authorised the replacement of the rubber boot. Booked in next week. 2 hours to replace a dust cap !!! Ah well, off to get my spacers done now...
  12. How much for one of your spares delivered Alex? I got caught mate. Just trying to prevent the same happening to others. NIssan Price - \Unbelievably cheap
  13. How much for one of your spares delivered Alex?
  14. I know what you mean about different dyno's Chris. But the plot shows exactly what both you and I et most expected. hu-u-u-u-u-gggee lag! so not exactly a spanner, more tweezers!!
  15. good luck. Got yourslf a spoiler yet mate?
  16. Sorry mate for most of us I think It was actually well advertised at the time. Note that if you earned in higher rate tax levels you lose pro - rata quite heavily and its soon not worth claiming.
  17. Took a while... but sound advice!!
  18. well, this set me thinking..... 1. I drive a moderately boosted twin turbo @ 6.8 PSI 2. I disagree with several stated points here, notably that twin turbo's MUST lag. mine doesn't... nor does that of a notable fellow member whose opinion I sought. 3. The length of pipe needed, and the resultant volume to be filled before boost comes up surely MUST cause lag in the STS setup so I plotted data I took from my dyno and that of the STS at a slightly higher 7 p.s.i. It proves a couple of points I think. a) I must be a sad basta*d to have botehered doing this. The STS Power comes in much later and higher in the Rev Range. It might suit some styles of driving, but I like getting a kick in nthe back at 2000 rpm. and the STS imho just wouldn't do this... Elvis has left the buidling... goodnight!!
  19. I feel ZMANALEX could contribute here. Dyno's only show the results of what happens at the wheels, when you plonk your boot on the "fast pedal". They don't measure how long/fast it took to get there! could you rephrase the post in lamguage i can comprehend
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