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Martin W

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Everything posted by Martin W

  1. You going up at a diff time to Fiddy then?
  2. well thats an intersting first post mate
  3. someone who fancies your missus Not me ! miles away
  4. At the end of the day, pressures are at the tyre manfacturers final say. long as you fit them to the widths that they specify Its their profile after all.... Assuming of course this all fits with the Z rolling ratio issue
  5. Are you the Gaz Walker from the toon WITH Bjork as a mate ? Thats the one Whoo! I;ll add you as a friend mate maybe an intro?.....
  6. I thougth he wa sgoing to read the label and find it was a Naan !
  7. Are you the Gaz Walker from the toon WITH Bjork as a mate ?
  8. Hey I spotted Chilli 2!
  9. Jeez! shite shite shite and no attempt to be polite
  10. I don't like to worry you Martin I had 2 wheels go like that and an £8,700 (insurance) - suspension and other bits rebuild Get it checked quick!
  11. Kevin HUntley Z Newbie..... Maybe a mod with some nouse could do the honours! Yes I do think our Kev is worthy of a little more than newbie Nah, he just needs to post more. We kept Gaz's post count, so be happy (I'll go speak to the admin, kinda hard how to work out how many posts we should give him though ) - work him harder for the guys Chris!!
  12. Looks like the 'worm' worked Ian, absolutely no response!! You may have made certain mods Days
  13. Tell me about it - took me real courage to do this a couple of weeks ago No movement at all then all of a sudden they just came free. Accompanied by a sound that was suspiciously like a bolt snapping worked tho' and yes - Tony squirted loads of WD40 or equiv in .....
  14. I think this could be the thread of the night
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