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Everything posted by sunset350z

  1. I had the same problem and it was due to a snapped connection on the back of the air bag module. To check it, just undo the 2 torx screws either side of the steering wheel which are hidden behind circular plastic covers (they just pop off). Then gently ease out the center section of the steering wheel. There's enough cable there to turn it around and check the connections. As long as the ignition is off there shouldn't be a need to disconnect the battery.
  2. I've got my PS3 all stripped down and giving the lens a good clean. Its amazing how much dust and fluff has accumalated inside the console over the past 2 1/2 yrs, gonna give it a bit of a delicate vacuum as well before it goes back together. Lets hope it works otherwise a new laser is next on the list Its not that difficult to take apart and now i know the model number of the laser if i need it. I'll keep you updated, fingers crossed
  3. About bl@@dy time too Let us know how well they improve the braking, and hopefully i can sell my last set thats on ebay at the moment
  4. Thanks for the link Kobi, the "hanger" site is really good. I need the kes 400a version and its a good price for £44.99. Also the dualshock controller is cheap from there only £26.99
  5. I don't think she's reading this forum but it makes a change seeing a fugly bugger
  6. X boxes are worse for breaking down I had all the symptoms and the same error code as you Lamby. Even tried brand new bluray films, new PS3 games all out of the wrappers and still nothing Anyway i did all the rebuild data and resets possible and i lost all my game saves and trophies guess what? STILL BLOODY NOTHING Trouble is i've got to buy 2 more PS3's for the kids before xmas, and they are moaning like hell for me to fix it now I'm gonna strip it down tomorrow and clean the lens, hopefully that will sort it out. Otherwise the cheapest UK supplier is £49.99 for a replacement lens. By the way i bought mine the very first day they came out 2 1/2 years ago and has never let me down until now. I have the original 80gb with memory card slots and 4 usb ports.
  7. Typical after reading this my ps3 wont play games or films Seems like i may have to strip it down, which looks pretty straight forward, and clean the lens. If that doesn't work, the best price i've seen for a replacement laser, is a shop from Hong Kong for £39.99 on the dreaded Ebay. Anyone know of a less risky purchase nearer to home?
  8. Nothing wrong with Tesco's petrol, i always fill up there.
  9. If you do go and see the car ask him where the cruise control is? Imports haven't got that option.
  10. Nope, they bid and then ask questions after. Like will they fit on the back of my S14
  11. Bennet can you find me a buyer for those Brembo calipers mate. I'm pulling my hair out here
  12. Never been a lover of anything grey or silver but after driving the white 370Z i might be persuaded to change colours when the time comes...................but i doubt it Its in my name and its in my nature
  13. I would for sure, but xmas is coming. Those wheels would look real nice on a sunset too
  14. Now thats a damn good deal I love those wheels and your sat nav systems are superb. All i need now is a 350 Z
  15. After being messed around on ebay trying to sell the Brembo's, I'm gonna do one last push on here to get rid of them. Full set of brembo calipers with used pads and goodridge stainless steel brake hoses all round. Also a full set of used brembo brake discs thrown in, so you have everything you need to convert JDM spec to UK spec. Oh and a bottle of the correct colour touch up paint for the calipers. I've seen the full set up sell for £950+ but, as xmas is coming and i need to get shot of these, i'll let them go for £650. NOW SOLD!!! for asking price without the discs
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