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Everything posted by sunset350z

  1. Any pedestrians you hit will be sliced up like a carrot And they look crap so leave them off. Spend your money on something better
  2. Personally i hate canards Nath, leave it smooth. Why don't you do a poll on here and see what others think?
  3. sunset350z


    don't bother with the import sat nav, it doesn't take UK discs. If you need sat nav then either get an aftermarket set up or buy a UK car with sat nav built in. Even then from what i've read, it isn't very good as you can't type in postcodes.
  4. It may only work when the seatbelt is clicked in. I presume
  5. Hi there, i'm in S Wales. It is a standard set up with new twin exits welded on. And yes they do work.
  6. The cheapest place was Makro at £20 with the VAT. Needless to say it didn't stay on the shelves for too long.
  7. Queued up for 40 mins at tesco last night and finally got it at 20 past 12. I bought uncharted 2 as well so i could get mw2 for £25. Had £17.50 of clubcard vouchers to spend as well, so 2 top games for less than £47, sorted. That should keep the kids happy for 5 minutes.
  8. Right here we go, Asda's selling it from midnight at £32 Tesco's again from midnight at £25, cheap yes but the catch is you need to buy another top game for full price to qualify. Sainsbury from 7am unless there's a 24hr near you, and by far the best buy at £26. I'd say there will be a mighty rush for that one, Anymore feel free to add to the list All those who paid top dollar to get the game early
  9. Just a few months ago you could buy a new for less than £20k
  10. Tesco's tonight at midnight and sainsburys at 7 in the morning, need to buy 2 copies for the kids Only 1 per customer from what i've heard
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