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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I'm not sure about you but I love the two creases on the bonnet.
  2. Yes. Old Dorris that drives to the shops once a week to get her food shopping done then comes back and puts her car in the garage until next tuesday at 9.30 needs insurance. Bikes can inflict damage on a car by being at fault and riding badly so the rider should have to have the cover to pay for it. Insurance is a legal requirement for road users as is being able to pass a theory test and practical test. If you don't drive to a standard deemed high enough by law then the privilege is taken away from you. Not so on a bike. Any muppet can jump on a bike and inflict damage to other peoples vehicles with no liability whatsoever. The examples given in this thread show that some (not all) starndards of bicycle riding is well below par, we're not talking forgetting to signal off a round about here but proper get yourself killed things.
  3. Ace. I'm going out on my bike tonight and getting knocked off by people. I'll be a millionaire by next year... Digsy, where are you mate? I need your services!
  4. Maybe something to do with Chrome? Maybe there is some issue with the forum or php and chrome? I never use chrome (FF4) and haven't had this issue....
  5. I agree with you Coldel. I also think as a road user they should have compulsory insurance (3rd party minimum) I have had this argument many times.... This morning (very grey and horrible day here) I passed a cyclist on the dual carriageway with a 70mph limit. He had on dark clothes, no lights and no reflectors..... He was a statistic waiting to happen.
  6. You do realise you have a Nissan don't you?????? I actually like estelles!
  7. I could wear my Aligator / Crocodile costume..... I'm a total pie eater so it's the only way you'd ever get me to pose!
  8. Too right. Need to keep you 'south of the border' types OUT!
  9. Cheers G. I'll get myself sorted then see what the plans are.
  10. My sister has top of the range Qashqai that she bought new 3 years ago 2.0 petrol with optional 4WD. It has all the toys including the camera, panoramic roof etc. It's not a bad car, not that big but comfortable enough and it uses the space it has well. You could be in a worse car!
  11. THINK OF THE CHILDREN! Dear God, think of the children!!!!!!!!!
  12. How ever much someone will pay for it. I think a lot of reg numbers have silly figures attached to them. You can have a reg valued at £250k but will anyone buy it for that?????
  13. Once the number has been deleted we have no record of it. As Ebized says, feel free to put it back up.
  14. Happy Birthday Wayne you old bugger!
  15. Emmmmmmmm.... I have worked in some dodgy places and have run far away from some very dangerous goings on. I myself may have done things not quite to the utmost standard due to lack of equipment etc in some of these places at times.
  16. Sorry, can't give you any diagrams as there is an ash cloud stopping me from posting them..... and good luck!
  17. Do a search. Remove the counterweight or you could try the 'penny' trick. Both of these will yeild results in search.
  18. I bow down to his ossumness! Totally Osssssssum!
  19. One sits in my work car park, the guy works on rotation in West Africa somewhere. It's a total rust heap. Poor mans merc in my opinion. I don't see the 'exclusivity' of a BMW up here, mondeos are rare compared to 3/5 series and A4s/A5/A6s. The roads are full of them. That is maybe area related though. As usual I'd say Jap or a well specced German. 1 series, 3 series, A3 maybe? Mini?
  20. Wasabi peas are good! We much them in the office and they are our official 'nippy sweetie' I once put the contents of a whole packet of the extra strong fishermans friends in my mouth and had to eat them all for a dare. I couldn't taste for a week.
  21. Stick it on my motorbike if you want Nic!
  22. Ok, I ran the numbers 1 to 17 through a random number generator and 14 came out. So it looks like the lucky winner is sparky350z
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