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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Who doesn't enjoy foaming a car? It's one of these little pleasures like peeing your name in the snow.....
  2. My cousin gave directions to her then new house and actually wrote down ' follow the A*** (whatever it was, no idea) and take the last turning on your left' Ok....... The last turn? How do you know it's the last turn until you drive past and find no more???? Anyway, that's how we found it. The last turn on the left becomes the first on your right after driving past it and turning round.
  3. I never had an issue with TCS after I changed from RE040s. I like to think I'm a fairly smooth driver though. It only ever came on if I provoked it.
  4. That ^^^^^^^ is a good post.
  5. Each to their own. It's all personal taste. Nobody is right or wrong.
  6. Funily enough my old boss is on a visit to Texas just now for work and he said he was going to bring a set home for me for my truck! If he does they are going on!
  7. The price of paint nowadays though, if a cyclist scraped a wing and door by not being careful with a pedal it could cause over a grands worth of damage easily.
  8. I agree on both counts as a cyclist with a 1046cc engine attached.
  9. With the right eye shadow it'd look great.
  10. Ah, sorry, I see what you mean. Yeah, I'd say most don't have insurance. Even less than with a car unfortunately. At least with a car you can take the VRM. A cop can, in a roundabout fashion, arrest someone for not providing their details, but if there are no cop's around it's a pretty poor situation to be in. Just as I thought. Thanks for that info. Just means that if a cyclist were to hit my car and not play ball I would feel less guilty about hitting them with their bike as if it didn't hit my car it didn't hit them...... I still think that ALL road users should have insurance.
  11. I know it's available but I just didn't believe that 'all cyclists have insurance' So they are liable, but if they don't stop or refuse to give details or give false details what can you do?
  12. Running someone over is not mentioned in Coldels post. Maybe (like me) Coldel would be upset if someone banged on his window...... Anyway, I'm not putting words into someones mouth here. One question though Gangzoom as I'm interested. Do you have some kind of insurance for using your bike on the road? If so, how does it work? If not and you hit a car through a fault of your riding, how would you deal with it? Someone told me that 'all cyclists have insurance' but I didn't believe them!
  13. <--------------- Hell yeah! I love my Datsuns!
  14. I answered this question for a member just this morning!
  15. That's a total disgrace. 3 points on your license each time, 4 red lights and you're banned. Oh wait, hang on a minute........
  16. Cyclists and motorcyclists have a lot in common.
  17. Stew

    Whats this?

    There is even a tool for removing it in the tool kit.
  18. I've no idea but I like him! Chatting up the blonde and making the dudes do burn outs is awesome. Party policing at it's best!
  19. Stew

    Whats this?

    It's to stop you fitting a rear wheel to the front. Simply remove the bolt and Roberts your fathers brother. Done!
  20. Now that's just greedy! and not a wanna be hyphen in site!
  21. I'm not a londoner and I don't commute in a city. I commute on country roads mainly so I see different dangers. Most 'serious' cyclists on my route have lights, helmets, proper bright reflective clothing etc and I just wait until it's safe to overtake. I do believe cylists can be on a road, I just think they should ride to a certain standard and have to pay insurance. Like all car and motorcycle riders do.
  22. My other half only has two initials.... I have four. Both a pain! I got something that looked a bit like my name and I bought her one that looked a bit like her name too!
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