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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Looks a comfy beast. Day vans always look cool. I'd have gone odge though so I could get it A Team style! Is that an Astro?
  2. I love the Stag! My dad had a Java Green (very 70s) mark II manual for quite a few years when I was a teenager. The 3.0 V8 sparking up through stainless pipes was a sound to behold when waking up after a night on the hooch followed by a disco when I was 15. Very fond memories. That's what this thread is for though and the other one for that matter!
  3. It's scary how well I know my cars.....
  4. Irn Bru is mandatory. A kilt is an option if you want the women to swoon over you.
  5. I can see why you like the X6 Irfan. Just as sh*t! Oh and the red beast pictured abouve - Talbot Samba?
  6. Sure is Rich. Not my love affair though, Tarmac is the man that carries a semi in his pants over them!
  7. I'll start off proceedings with this. Sure it has 1000bhp, is probably the most accomplished sports car ever built with speed, grip and acceleration. I however just don't lust after it. I have no idea why, £ million cars should make me weak at the knees and this one doesn't. As I say, I don't know why it doesn't do it for me. Call me mad (and many will) but I'll leave it off my list thanks.
  8. This is the place to share those cars that the world goes mad over but you just don't get. The ones that you know you should want but you just don't. This is aimed to be a fun thread so don't argue please.
  9. This one has a set of wheels courtesy of Tarmac Sportz on it!
  10. 100000 cool points to JetSet. Was it a good car? I still want one....
  11. I guess this is to avoid listing fees. Report him, ebay will want their cut. I thought ebay had a 'fair postage' policy???
  12. What/where the hell is Oban? Mrs you are either as thick as two short planks and you shouldn't have a licence never mind a car, which I doubt you've got or you are just plain thick!! I'm guessing you're the two short variety. Top tip, stop breeding with relatives. Harsh George! No need to flame someone for not knowing where (or what) Oban is! I bet 90% of the forum members have never even heard of it. Not everyone is well versed in Geography. Myself included. I have no idea where anywhere is south of Stonehaven. After that it's all 'Southern' to me. You're a right old Oban!
  13. Next up for me..... I actually looked at one of these earlier this year. Sunbeam Stilleto. 55bhp of goodness. I like the Imp but I prefer this incarnation. Pics nicked of an imp site that I found while browsing...
  14. They are proper cool. Unfortunatly most of my Volga experiences have been in more modern and far less desirable machinery. I do have a soft spot for Lada Nivas though. They really do go anywhere and I like that in a car! I have seen Nivas exactly like the one below used in the Siberian oilfields. Awesome!
  15. That is a crazy act of mindless vandalism. All I can suggest is report it to the police and then contact body shops for quotes before deciding whether to pay for the repair or claim off insurance.
  16. The little Acer in your garden is looking healthy!
  17. It'd be great if you could share some pics and stuff of the cars you restore too.
  18. Vinyl roof...... not so much. Lime green paint is lovely. Really suits the 240.
  19. Not sure how the software workswith warnings being removed... Only admin, mods and those affected car see them anyway. As chrisI said the warnings and banning are dealt with case by case so if you are a good boy or girl normally and stray once or twice it's biggy. If you act like a **** then it'll be a race to the ban button.
  20. I remember going in the front of one that was a local taxi. My boss at the time also got in the front..... 3 across just for kicks. We were both very drunk at the time.
  21. I'll start with this little gem. I've wanted one for as long as I can remember really. Lancia Thema 8.32 An Italian saloon with an electric rear wing and a ferrari cross plane crank V8 engine. Nothing gives this thing away. I love the fact it's possibly one of the ultimate Q cars ever made. Not that fast by todays standards but just oozes cool. Nothing giving it away Under the bonnet http://nurrohman-insurance.blogspot.com ... -1986.html Pure late 80s cheese.
  22. This is the place to share those weird and wonderful cars that you like but are perhaps an odd choice for one reason or another. It's a place to share the weird and wonderful. Have fun!
  23. Everyone should check out Bristols (especially from the mid 80s....) to see expensive cars that have been hit with the ugly stick.
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