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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Haven't been for a few years but stayed right in the heart of South Beach. Still the only place I've ever been that the ladies go out to dinner in a bikini, high heels and jewelry. Awesome..... Practice your perving skills before you go! I'm returning next year so will keep an eye out for recommendations!
  2. The crap thing is the only 'decent' car virtually any site lists is the mustang convertible (or similar) and I don't want a convertible or a mustang particularly.... I want a Camaro or a challenger ideally! Rental car companies suck with their choices! Maybe I need to research more to actually get a semi decent car!
  3. He even got a 1000 roubles! What the hell is he complaining about?
  4. Not a good solution then! Wasn't entirely serious anyway as I frankly have no idea how an SC car would run with no belt attached. I just know that some people will run an SC car with no belt to the tuners.
  5. Remove the SC belt when driving round Europe......
  6. I thought this thread was about something entirely different..... However, glad your woofer is on the mend!
  7. This is a rather fetching Bristol for £35k..... http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C169180
  8. Have a look in Brooklyn too. Some really nice places there. Never stayed myself but would if I visited again.
  9. A lotus sunbeam is full of win! You SHOULD love it! It's brilliant. I remember going fully sideways down Duffus at knockhill in one of them on a PAX lap with a lady at the wheel. It was a full on rally car and I was down as a guest of the Scottish Rally Championship car (Green and white sapphire Cossie - still on the go!) that my dad sponsored at the time. This was many years ago. She was also a master of left foot braking. I still have a soft spot for them after that.... and ladies that can drive!
  10. I think you or a small group have a personal issue with others if I'm honest. I think you are sh*t stirring unnecessarily, There, I have said it. This is my view and not a team view but I wanted to air it.
  11. Correct on all accounts. So Anders, does the supplier mentioned still sell those exact skirts? Were they a bad example out of a generally good fit? Should we still avoid them if they have changed their supplier in the past 2 years because one person had a bad experience? Was the customer in the wrong for getting them painted before test fitting?
  12. If replicas were all perfect then why would people pay extra to buy genuine parts?
  13. Agree 100% Dave. Being a former Mod you know what went on behind the scenes when we have made decisions on getting rid of traders. You know why there have been delays on these things? The team fighting like hell to get the members money back before the trader is banned. We take complaints very seriously.
  14. But your issue is with a dealer, not a site trader................... And they aren't named so won't help any other members out. Not a dig at you, just proving that this thread is highly flawed. I'm sorry you're having an issue and hop it's resolved soon
  15. How do you moderate it only knowing one side of the story? We (team) will only have one side of a story and will a trader put forward their side????? I can only seeing this ending in tears. It will take some effort. 1, Member complains to mods with full story 2, Trader gets notified, and a chance to reply to mod. 3, Mod makes a call on it and possibly talks to member again 4, Mod make the call to approve thread or not Simples... If the trader doesn't put their side to the story forward, well ... No expert but to me that would be an approved thread So the same as now then. The people affected can easily post up at the moment if they choose to. Most don't though.
  16. How do you moderate it only knowing one side of the story? We (team) will only have one side of a story and will a trader put forward their side????? I can only seeing this ending in tears.
  17. I just entered this thread to say much the same Liam. If people are wanting to air genuine grievances then fair enough however I can see it causing a sh*t storm if I'm honest. As moderators we don't know what is fact or fiction, which side of a story is true etc etc. Very dangerous and quite frankly not very gentlemanly. The Team have helped in the past to try to sort out issues and we continue to help out as and when asked. It's maybe better to try to sort an issue out with the trader / member before blowing about it on here. Also, in my opinion what's in the past is in the past so old stuff doesn't need to be dragged back up again.
  18. Looks good. Some ace cars there.
  19. I'd be willing to present it. I could be the fat scottish one. BBC diversity and all that.....
  20. yep - they all say that Actually she maybe needs her air topped up.....
  21. And you play computer games online with a dog! I have never played a games console online in ,y life and I'm proud of that!
  22. I'm an Engineer. I have a fiancee and everything!
  23. Oh, and the rear bench folds into a double bed!!! Win! Oh and Boomchikawawa!
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