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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    Weight has a lot to do with it. The Mito probably weighs not much less that the Audi 100.....
  2. Not normally. Most Insurance policies have a clause in them either mentioning the ring specifically or a generic clause mentioning unlimited toll roads etc.
  3. Maybe our friends at the Infiniti dealership would help you out here...... I HATE when people solve problems they've posted on the forum and don't post up the solution! Alex is near Perth and may be able to help too????
  4. Stew

    Front bumper?

    Whats wrong with putting the standard number plate back on?
  5. Have you searched on here?? Maybe a silly question but I seem to remember someone else having this issue but I can't for the life of me remember the solution.
  6. Tell me about it - pages and pages of stuff and no idea what any of it means Yeah..... Me either. The difference is though, we know the name of the teams lap dancers and bar staff off by heart and Chris`I (ubergeek extraordinaire) has never even visited the 350Z-uk Team Gentlemans Club!
  7. Just to let those people that think nothing is being done to combat this know, the thread in the team area for this issue is longer than this one and it's full of geek speak and code too.....
  8. This one - http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/forum/s ... pray+clear ???????? It's from Wolfs so Tim from Envy might get it in if it's good....
  9. My mate was speaking about these for his newly acquired E46 M3.
  10. Sam will be gutted Linda! This really is a lovely example of a modded Zed folks. Well worth traveling for too if you are tempted. You would not be disappointed.
  11. I think Alex does them. Maybe Tarmac too.
  12. ^^^^^^^^^ This. It's all about fun. My mate in his 1.0 Polo he had at 17 would probably keep up with me in my Zed. His Polo was freakishly quick but also he was absolutely fearless.
  13. I'm sure these used to be on sale on ebay for £30 or something without the 'japspeed' logo. I'm not saying it's bad but I'd personally stick with something tried and tested. JWT Popcharger isn't much more money and they've been popular (and proven) for years.
  14. I'm thinking ex 'management' cars rather than dealership demos.
  15. Mod note - I realise that this ad doesn't follow the rules but have let it through as I'm in a good mood and it's a freebie for someone. Chris, where roughly are you located? It'll save you getting a heap of PMs from people asking where you are.
  16. You have to do the CBT anyway before the Direct Access (or as part of it) so it's nothing lost. The Direct Access will generally cost around or upwards of £500 so it's best to be sure.
  17. To be honest, just book the CBT on a geared 125. It's a safe day that will take you from never touching a bike to riding safely on the road in a day. From there you'll know if you want to do the direct access. It's not for everyone. At the least you'll be able to leave knowing you don't want to ride a bike again. Local companies will offer all safety equipment etc and the bike.
  18. +1 Like this one did! - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14131133
  19. Oh you'd be surprised: The amount of threads I've seen with "I was passing Elises/Caterhams/GT3s all day in my Zed!" on here beggars belief! Only deluded people. Well driven is the key words there for sure. I could pass a GT2 RS on my push bike in traffic.
  20. Yeah, decent for a couple of days. Just not for over 3 weeks!
  21. Camaro SS was about £1200, Fancy Mustang £2500 and Challenger R/T £2500 for the duration I wanted! £2500 - no way, £1200 I'd think about.... however a standard mustang was under £600. It's a lot more cash, sure it's ACE however not sure if I can justify the difference.
  22. Hertz are the only company I've found that actually list the Mustang coupe. I'll be picking up in Miami and keeping the car for 22 or 23 days.
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