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Everything posted by Stew

  1. You'd get a nice S2 with the Essex engine for that. I love the S2! Not ideal for everyday though.
  2. I'm going to look for an MR33GTRB account being created.....
  3. Nah, that was the first one. This is the one with Eva Mendes. Now Eva Mendes and Jordana Brewster together..........
  4. I like torque and in gear acceleration figures. You can keep your BHP and 0-60 times!
  5. Nope that's it, no secret tricks. It's only lazy people that leave the edges sharp!
  6. I very much doubt that's a shine bumper!
  7. There is a way to do it without leaving a sharp edge.
  8. Best to remove the headlight, remove the cover and bulbs and dry it out in an airing cupboard or similar. I bet you it works after that....
  9. +1 Service interval is 9000 miles and costs are reasonable. The car isn't particularly hard on tyres or brakes for it's weight and performance so nothing to worry about.
  10. http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C239616
  11. That's a shame. I'm sure you'd have enjoyed it! Still plenty room for people that wish to attend.
  12. This is probably an opinion that will draw sharp intakes of breath for many but I'd take a Boxster over a Cayman anyday. I love the 911 but the looks of the cayman don't do it for me. The boxster is better proportioned, prettier and if you are driving a 'little' porsche then you might as well have the wind in your hair. They are a brilliant drive.
  13. Which one? The 'special' one in those pics is the Carrera GT. Unless I'm missing some racing one or something.
  14. Cameron Fry.......have some respect Stew That's the one! I couldn't be ar*ed googling it!
  15. They even have Ferris Buellers mates garage in there!
  16. A few of my mates have done these days. You get in the cars and drive round the lower highlands of Scotland an treat the car any way you like.
  17. Here you go folks. search.php?author_id=1935&sr=posts make up your own mind if it was him or not!
  18. I'm not sure that M350ZB was dyslexic.
  19. Link to me in said costume at my mates 'A' Theme 30th. The party was held in his sheds 'east wing' so lighting wasn't the best! http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid= ... =1&theater
  20. We have a winner. If it's not him I'll eat my alligator costume!
  21. If Ian or Sarnie doesn't get this I'd be surprised.
  22. While browsing Sky Insurance website after clicking on a click for awesomefest I saw this testimonial. Now, it has no name on it but I have no doubt in my mind who wrote it. Can you guess? http://www.skyinsurance.co.uk/testimonials_page.html First one to guess correctly gets a t'internet bottle of beer!
  23. Stew


    The Kingsway is really dangerous for me as I've been sitting at 70 wherever I come from and then drive on it.... It's dual so you do creep up!
  24. Stew


    Slow down then speedy!
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