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Everything posted by Stew

  1. This is a very interesting topic. I'd love to see some of your previous restorations too if you have the pics and the time to post them?
  2. I guess they may well want to know where were going and where you had been. They might make assumptions that you didn't report the incident for a reason. A good mate of mine was banned for leaving the scene of an accident a number of years ago. He hit a pole at the side of the road and drove off. He left for a reason, the police couldn't prove this but the punishment he received reflected the punishment he would have got if the police had attended the scene.
  3. Not true actually..... http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/nireland/ ... idents.htm As there was nobody else involved but road furniture was damaged, the OP should have contacted the police.
  4. I actually think it looks great in the grey personally. Really stealthy.
  5. Can we see the interior please? I have seen Frost leather but I'm interested to see the cream. along.
  6. Leaving the scene of an accident can (and often does) end in disqualification. Prison is possible but you'd probably have to run over a person or something.
  7. As Keyser says, just 'own up' to it and see what happens.
  8. Around 30 max 40. It was a sharp corner i lost the control and went over the pavement. And what was the speed limit on the road? Generally leaving the scene of an accident (if they choose to persue this route) is a fairly serious offence and it carries with it quite a few points. Out of interest, do you have multiple Zeds in your family? I had a look through some older posts and saw details of a Zed you were repairing but no mention of a Zed belong to your Mum, just 'your' Zed.
  9. Keyser and Bob are currently chopping, welding and filling the forum in the Zedshed ready for a big unveil soon It'll be bogey green for sure!
  10. El Camino - The Black Keys. It's an album but it's awesome and in my car.
  11. My ginger beer of choice. It's 'bonza mate' and available from Costco!
  12. This is where it becomes interesting...... Send wax pot to US to be refilled via insured method, It gets refilled and sent back to UK. Great so far...... Gets stuck in customs as they can't understand why something insured for £5000 doesn't have duty to be paid. Hold wax for months. Then eventually release. It costs £000s to send back and forth due to insurance and is a fricken nightmare with customs.
  13. Stew, you are far too posh One does try to mingle with the elite.
  14. I'm sure my mate has Royale..... He definitely has Vintage as I admired the pot in his wax fridge.
  15. I can't wait to see these on a Zed.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkJ5ItzEq3M&sns=em embedded the live feed.
  17. Beautiful! I have always loved the E Type. Can we get LOTS more pictures please?
  18. I was out with my mate for dinner a week or so ago and he'd been removing a 'shield' type wrap from a 911. Nightmare to remove by the way..... Anyway, he showed me some pictures of it being removed, it was yellowed, swirled, dull and generally not very nice to look at. From a distance it looked fine however when you saw the nice paint underneath it really made you wonder why you'd bother putting it on. I actually saw pics of the car finished too (post detailing) and it looked like a different car. It's lovely to keep your paint fresh for the next owner however I'd rather enjoy it myself if I'm honest.
  19. http://classifieds.pistonheads.com/clas ... pdk/810142 Booomchickawahwah!
  20. It's funny though as my niece dropped my Dads iPad on their conservatory floor (stone) and there was little damage despite having no cover on it. I have had minor drops of my old 3GS and my 4S (both covered) and they've remained fine. I'll see how everyday use scratches the 5.
  21. Is the exhaust newly fitted? Would there be some kind of sealing paste present?
  22. Stew

    New wheels

    That's why I said get a hard backed one. No mess and no gloves.
  23. Did you go back and run it over again? Don't want it 'mugging you off' while out on the Pussssaaaaay patrol!
  24. I was away to ask for a link to the ad.... I can't afford it so no point!
  25. Hope not! No need to lock the topic as everyone is still being civil. I'm still trying to persuade myself that I definitely DON'T need to upgrade my 4S. I'm doing well just now!
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