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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I have a pie related question...... Why the hell do you need a machine to make them and what does it do?????
  2. Although the sensible thing to do is move over and let someone from a slip road join the carriageway it is not the 'correct' way to do it. The vehicle merging onto the major road should adjust their speed to join. I always move over if it's safe but the highway code says the other way.
  3. Very nice! Best of luck with the rubber one!
  4. Mated with a short shifter it could work very well. I have always wanted an open gate manual!
  5. yeah........ and 'buzzing' people doesn't sound dangerous at all.
  6. Yes, too many people get caught up chasing 1bhp or something unnoticeable from an 06 airbox when you can lose 2bhp by fitting a popcharger and suddenly the car seems so much better.
  7. This is true. The racing is good and thats where the entertainment comes from. The coverage is mediocre. Sky do bring a lot to the table on the coverage. They always seem to put together a good show.
  8. BTCC is still on ITV3. Some of the best motor racing you can watch in my opinion.
  9. Fair enough to be honest. If they mark all their cars using the same scale then at least the percentage will be consistent. If a buyer wants a good drive with a bit of rawness they buy a 370Z. If they want the looks but not the drive they buy a TT.
  10. I was taught to do this by my instructor when I learned to drive. I have always done it. I see the car in my wing mirror then check the rear view before pulling across. I have noticed a big difference with the pick up than an other car for this. If I used the wing mirror only I'd be cutting it closer than I'd like. I'm taught one this at work.... Look as far into the distance as possible, from the horizon right back to the end of the bonnet. It sounds wierd but the more you do it the more if becomes natural. Then you really start seeing whats going on in front of you. It can mean that you'll make better progress as you know whats happening and you can also improve your MPG by anticipating things way off in the distance. I'll actually ask the driving dudes if I can get our theory stuff to share as some of it is good. Nice clear explanations of vanishing point cornering and stuff too. Our instructors are brilliant too.
  11. It confused the hell out of me why I had to approve that post..... The announcement could be made in the announcements section instead of being global.....
  12. Moved. Worst thread ever AND it wasn't in the right section! What colour you ordered? You might aswell tell us all about the car so it's not just you posting random numbers!
  13. I see you use costco spongy garage floor tiles for a knee rest too!
  14. My mates did Scumball this year. This has been spoken about. France????? It's 622 miles from my house to the centre of dover. It would be a right laugh though!
  15. Stew

    Fiat 500

    I have a baby blue 500 up my drive just now! I love it! It's my bosses and she left it with me to clean it and have a look at a 'clunk' when she went away on vacation. It's a diesel and does a million miles to the gallon while looking very cool. My other half went in to buy a 500 however came out with a petrol Punto Sporting (same engine as Abarths but in a different tune) for the same money as a basic ish 500. Loads more room in it, front, back and boot. We even took it to LakeZ, only major criticism is that there is no f**king spare wheel!
  16. T Cut is very good at what it does. It's just a little too good at times..... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I don't really rate ScratchX or any other scratch remover though to be honest.
  17. A well deserved promotion in the world of thankless unpaid work.
  18. Seems I paid attention at school! This is also the reason I asked if you'd measured the light levels etc Beau.
  19. I would recomend doing a search and looking at what others have achieved with an Uprev. This will give you a good idea.
  20. I only ask as I know the windows are tinted as standard. I have heard varying reports of how much light was let through as standard.
  21. Once the front windows let in 70% of light you will be fine. They use a device to test the amount of light that can go through. The rears can be as dark as you like. You got access to the machine to measure? What tints did you put on? What level of light was let through before tinting?
  22. I did that with the 'it's a hairdressers car' people when I first got the Zed!
  23. I thought the fronts only let about 70% of light through as standard?
  24. Stew

    nice car mate

    Azure comes up VERY well indeed!
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