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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Remap is the best route for sure. I went the cheat route on a product that had been tested and the multiple maps tweaked to my car.
  2. lasagne pies? Nothing new there! Get them at ever baker in this bit of Scotland.... I like a macaroni pie better myself. If you like your pies got on the Hoon and get yourself to Loch Inver pie shop!
  3. I'd love one but it'd be a toy only..... So I'd be aswell buying a caterham and a raincoat.
  4. Hands on the ground feet on the seat and army roll out. What could be cooler when you arrive at the office.....
  5. Well when he lands 'catch of the day and is proud to tell everyone he caught a huge trout or something, screw up your face and say 'it's only a fish...' Job done.
  6. I preped my other halfs car when it was delivered. I found it was great for spotting any defects. I found two very small things that were rectified with no issues. If the car had been prepped by the dealer I wouldn't have found them. It's worth making your new car actually look properly new though.
  7. What sensor does the pro bitz one work off of? How does it work? Jim, you checked the quashqai forum? I'm not sure if it's any good - I just found it when I wanted to confirm tyre sizes on my sisters one!
  8. I was the same Jim. I did a bit of research to find what worked with my car (Euro 4 Navara Auto) as a lot of chips didn't work too well with the euro 4 navara causing limp mode to be engaged. Mine has been on for 6 months now and I've had no issues. MPG has gone up about 30% but with the temperature rising this could account for a proportion of that in fairness. The one I'm running has a good rep and proven results. The owner of DTUK has a navara too and did dyno testing.
  9. I have a DTUK PDI in my Navara. Been faultless and it's set for power. Loads of settings and a quality bit of kit. Might dd a CRD at some point too....
  10. It was always a friendly comp anyway! Very nice. An MNP GTR would be lovely..... I know lol what's mnp? Won't be getting a gtr tho it will be a gtst Midnight Purple. You know you want a GTR!
  11. It was always a friendly comp anyway! Very nice. An MNP GTR would be lovely.....
  12. Unfortunately the rays bubbled. Nissan also created a stink about warranty claims on them.
  13. I think this title is more appropriate to be honest. The car slid into a kerb, it was repaired. It wasn't written off, not even close. any one would think you had a problem with the forum / mods or something
  14. With tyres / without? Price to pay? Would you consider anything else? What area are you in (collection) etc? Sorry for the questions but answering them will make life easier.
  15. yeah........ and 'buzzing' people doesn't sound dangerous at all. what for actually using the correct overtaking technique wow maybe i should under take like the other geniuses on here. ok so small gaps maybe isn't the best idea, but its not like i pull infront and slam on the anchors, Highlighted the bits that seem dangerous to me in red. I drive defensively so this seems unnecessarily aggressive to me. Maybe it's just exaggerated a bit to look cool.... i read the road a long way ahead of me if its heavy traffic i use my judgement on manouvers, i have enough drive sense to know when and what is appropriate. 12 years driving and a clean licence should speak enough for itself But if you are intentionally 'buzzing' cars by passing close to the rear and cutting close to the front then it's sheer luck that you have no points. Driving like that seems irresponsible irrespective of experience, how fast your car is, how hard your dad is or what the road conditions are like. As I say, if the maneuver you pull off is safe then I think you've exaggerated the closeness of it all or have dramatised it for effect.
  16. Actually. Look at you tube vids and pics of them all. The three that make you smile the most / stir your loins the most are the three you pick.
  17. You need to contact ZMANALEX to see if he has engines available.
  18. Some say he wears a crash helmet to bed and eats spare parts for breakfast! and they'd be correct......
  19. So Ross, Bike rides this week? I'm off from Tuesday....
  20. Looking for a 'like' button. Great pic!
  21. Gt2 as it's very rare, never seen it on a driving day before and well it's mental.
  22. yeah........ and 'buzzing' people doesn't sound dangerous at all. what for actually using the correct overtaking technique wow maybe i should under take like the other geniuses on here. ok so small gaps maybe isn't the best idea, but its not like i pull infront and slam on the anchors, Highlighted the bits that seem dangerous to me in red. I drive defensively so this seems unnecessarily aggressive to me. Maybe it's just exaggerated a bit to look cool....
  23. Maybe it's been moved. I'm sure if any prospective car purchasers want to see it Al will show them along with the pics during the repair.
  24. Still never been as shiny as your mates azure from oop north..... What you replacing her with Irfan?
  25. Gave in and googled it..... put pastry in, put filling in - job done. I just use the oven myself so at least I don't feel like I'm missing out!
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