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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Next gen 911

    I reckon there are so many of them about for a reason.
  2. Stew

    Next gen 911

    Yes please. I do say that about every 911 though!
  3. Stew

    Hoon quotes

    I remember that whole conversation..... It went from snoring to sh*gging in about 1 minute flat. All over dinner too!
  4. If you want noise add noisy products. If you want actual performance then do driver training (not saying you need it but most will benefit) uprated brakes and suspension will all see you going faster than mods in my opinion.
  5. Stew

    Hoon quotes

    I have forgotton all the dirty comments you made Vik. Especially the ones about ravaging Gary.....
  6. Stew

    Hoon quotes

    I had completely forgot but Vik has reminded me. 'Don't buy whisky or chocolate flavoured condoms' 'Lidl condoms are sh*t'
  7. Stew

    Hoon quotes

    Darren B on one of our many chats about snoring in reply to Steph gently waking him to tell him his was snoring 'shut the f*ck up and put in your earplugs'
  8. Stew

    Hoon quotes

    '350Z groupie slut'
  9. Well come to think of it my neck is a little sore today.
  10. I get texts to my mobile for the 'accident I had' and how I can get 4 grand compensation. Now this is mildly irritating but it's funny that when my chrashtra was written off I was outside the car watching the young lady crash into it. I'm pretty sure I wasn't injured......
  11. Depends if you want to do it on the side or as a career. In my honest opinion anyone that wants a custom PC will probably be interested enough to find out to do it themselves. I could be wrong though.....
  12. I know where you're coming from! Throw it into the mix. E46 330d coupe......
  13. Is the 118d not a 2000cc????? I personally find torque steer one of the most frustrating things ever! I'm not a fan.... The Astra VXR performance wise is pretty credible but I personally didn't find them a good drive. A 1 series would be far more to my personal taste. If it were my own money though I don't know what I'd buy.....
  14. But you suggested an Astra!! I suggested a 2.0T Astra or VXR, the VXR which is probably as quick as a Zed - you guys were going for a 118 Diesel! He also said he wanted good MPG as a must, which neither of the two Astra variants will do He didn't request torque steer or a baseball cap either......
  15. Was the TC on or off when you bumped the wheel? I only ask as if it's off and you lose traction the lights will come on as you describe and stay on until the engine is switched off. If it was on and stayed on then I'm not sure.....
  16. Good lad! Feel free to link to a project thread or anything as we are all petrolheads.
  17. How was the drive down? Colin called me so I have an idea of the route but wondered if you stuck to it?
  18. For that price I'd expect it to come with a trained marmoset to sit on your seat back and hold them up for you.
  19. The Zed would be a nice body for an E60 V10 lump.... I love engine transplants, they are usually bonkers which is just fun.
  20. Yep. Platinum is pretty damn heavy. It'd be like wrapping the frame and legs of your current sunglasses in lead.
  21. You need to get a Lochinver pie down you my man! The 'after' hooners were sampling the delights the other day. http://www.piesbypost.co.uk/ For those that have seen the Hoon pics (and therefore pics of me) you'll know I know a good pie when I taste one!
  22. Imagine wearing 950 Platinum on your face! Your nose and ears would be sore in 5 minutes flat.
  23. Stew

    WANTED - 350z

    I would never settle on a car with a colour I didn't like just because it was 'there' though. Especially not on something like the Zed which is very much a purchase made with the heart first. Using the head only you'll never justify a 2 seat car with a big engine. To me colour is very important, maybe it's girly but it ranks higher in my priority list than other things. I personally wanted an Azure so I waited and got one. Back when I bought mine you were lucky if there were 10 cars for sale in the UK from one month to the next.
  24. Stew

    WANTED - 350z

    No worries. Feel free to post up cars you see for sale for opinions. I like to see someone willing to travel! The members here are good at looking at cars for people located far away to save you a wasted journey. Again, post up for help in that department.
  25. The very term 'VIP' will create revenue.
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