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Everything posted by Stew

  1. You guys need to have a chat I think. Not sure what's happening but you need to make agreements. The main thing we hope for in private sales on the forum is that they are carried out as gentlemen. We are not ebay, we are not scammers and we are not out to rip each other off. * A photograph with your user name on a piece of paper with the item(s) must be posted at the time of placing the advert * An asking price (and postage costs if applicable) should be included in the first post * Once an offer has been accepted the seller should update the post * All transactions should be completed swiftly and any delays should be agreed prior to completing * The seller has the right to withdraw or refuse sale before the transaction is complete I have bolded a couple of the rules. If the seller is treating this place like ebay then please PM me. The item does belong to the seller and he can choose who he sells them too HOWEVER as said before, any sales should be done in a gentlemanly fashion.
  2. That Karmann Ghia looks lovely!
  3. Do the bracelets come with the exhaust?????
  4. Stew

    Next gen 911

    Well an Akropovic saves something like 10 - 12kgs (Might be way off???) and costs about 5k or something so I think it's a bargain if you want to save weight!
  5. Well I've never done it but if you read the guides and feel confident then give it a go. If there is ANY doubt then speak to Husky or look for second hand lights.
  6. whisky flavoured condoms! Stop at Auntie Bettys on the way!
  7. At the Hoon Viks headboard was banging like Rons!
  8. Dreamcustomz did mine when they customized them. It'd maybe be worth 'clearing' out the light at the same time - looks much fresher!
  9. Ever get the feeling you've walked into the wrong bar......
  10. The recipient obviously hasn't read it then....
  11. That's on the inside????? Flipping heck! I'd be splitting them if I was you. You couldn't make it worse! Looks to me as if they've not been sealed properly or maybe you've been missing the splash guards in the arches. Oh, my lights were split about 3 years ago, they condensated quickly, were redone and they've been spot on ever since with no condensation at all.
  12. I'm banned from driving June round there again That could be one for the hoon quotes.....
  13. I have one question..... Where is Wills baseball cap?
  14. Looking great. Have most of them had a bit of PP?
  15. With the 16mm on it's meant to be reasonably pocket sized. With the 18-55 I'll have no chance although if I put it down the front of my jeans though it might get the ladies interested.....
  16. No I'm not one for tyre stretch but that looks AWESOME! The stance and stretch are both spot on in my opinion. Loving your work!
  17. I have been a big browser of the 'show cars' section for a long time. Some gems but mostly horrors. I remember asking on here years ago what the definition of a show car was as I was browsing that section and the standards were all over the shop!
  18. Joy????? You mean Groupie speed slut....
  19. Good choice It has touchscreen Still happy with mine though, if you keep waiting for the new version of something, you never buy anything Absolutely. If it wasn't due for release until next year I'd buy the 5 but as it's meant to be out this month I'll hang off for the N. The improvements are small but should make a difference! Mark, I was always going to buy a 550D however the size and learning curve put me off. The DSLR I'm sure would be ultimately better however the NEX range looks perfect for what I want pocket size, good quality images and plenty to play with. It's a good crossover and some of the shooting modes on the camera will do away with PP. Hopefully perfect for me!
  20. Update from me..... My vouchers have arrived and I scratched off all the codes and entered them..... Now just need to wait for Sony to release the NEX-5N as it's currently in my list in Amazon with the 16 and the 18-55 lenses. I saw they were releasing an updated version of the 5 in the next week or two so thought I'd wait for it.
  21. I wouldn't worry about 0-60 for a diesel. Look at the ingear acceleration. Once it's rolling thats when you'll appreciate if it's good or not unless you want to traffic light grand prix in which case your MPG will be shot!
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