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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Oooooooh a 'turbo' badge (available from halfrauds) is a guaranteed 75 whp!!!!!!! or 1000000 bhp!
  2. Flame stickers add 50bhp. Nismo stickers add 20bhp per item. Fitting a vielside wing adds 100bhp You can easily reduce unsprung weight by taking off 3 wheelnuts on each wheel. Adding Krispy Kremes to the fuel tank is the equivilant of a 100bhp of NOS on full throttle.
  3. It's a bit late for recommendations and tips isn't it?????
  4. Not sure if it's worth upgrading too. It's really not that great. Better to spend cash on some decent equipment instead in my opinion.
  5. I should send my mate to you as he's been having trouble with the SR in his S15 for AGES!
  6. Common courtesy costs nothing people. Please respect each other and if one party tries to entice you into lowering the tone please be the bigger man (or woman) and rise above it. Fighting on an internet forum is the lamest thing EVER!
  7. In all honesty the 80mph will just mean people cruise at 90mph. People who are screaming at their kids in the back of the car, while applying lippy and updating their facebook status on their iphone while driving along......... The only way it will boost economy is because the cars will be burning more fuel so lining the government pockets with the tax on fuel! Lower the limit to 60, save the planet and relax! It's the way forward!
  8. change away with the other button. I seem to think it doesn't go back an hour so you might have to forward 11.......
  9. Dude, you shouldn't be on the road if you can't change the clock! From memory (long LONG time since I did it) you get onto clock and hold the lower button until it flashes. Then change away.
  10. +1 50 brake cus of the noorberger ring sticker innit blud!
  11. I don't know the plans but I might stick my neck out and say multi maps with an UpRev?
  12. All the new members are probably reading this thinking WTF?????
  13. Can I +1 that without you kicking my lardy ass all over the shop? Holly is in the vids you've shot her in.
  14. I love Newfoundlands. I used to look after one when I was about 12 years old as a family friend was away a lot and used to leave me to look after the dog. It was brilliant! So lazy though, never wanted to go for a walk! The family had kids and the young one at the time used to ride on it's back round the garden. Great dog.
  15. Look where the photographers lens appears to be pointing....
  16. Walk through to the Bellagio and stop at the patisserie. Blow $50 on cakes and walk back through to the hotel. Winners all round! Awesome!
  17. Gentleman?! Tell that to Stew's wet shoes! Puppies like to pee on my shoes. FACT.
  18. And the only other person that'd dob you in is also on the forum - WIN WIN Now you realise why. As for my addiction.....Im in Vegas right now and Im on here! LOSER! Go hit the slots Al!
  19. Thats a good little mod! I can see that being popular. In the old days (pre bluetooth, yes I have had a zed that long!) there was a funky nokia phone there! It was actually in a great position however as soon as you swapped the nokia phone and cradle (which I still have!) and swapped it for a Bluetooth module it then was just stuck in the middle! I reckon it'd be easy enough to relocate it to the under the secret shelf in the rear cubby too.
  20. Here is my new addition. Thought I'd put him in here. Oscar the Ragdoll. Got him 4 weeks ago I'll add pics as he's developing. He's already much bigger and his markings are coming through.
  21. Paulie on here has a Malmute (I think) called Nismo. He's a lovely doggy! Take a look through the pet thread - viewtopic.php?f=13&t=26230 - and see if any of the dogs appeal!
  22. Ok, so the bluetooth won't work without the bose. I believe R35LEE can fix the skipping bose so all might not be lost. Have a search all the answers will be there.
  23. Honestly, no. As long as you both understand each other, have the same goals and aspirations in life and are generally compatible then I think age is just a number.
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