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Everything posted by Stew

  1. BOTD was quality when we were posting then Ian. Nurrish had rubbish taste though!
  2. Nismo valve caps Nismo Rad cap Boot mat Nismo 380RS pedal cargo net Z-Speed Under tray bonnet dampers and the LED rear lights to come next week If we changed Beavis username to Tarmac then you'd end up sending him piles of money!!!!
  3. I like your style! This should be a fun place. If people took a chill pill as they entered they'd have a lot more fun! Totally agree Stew, used to be a genuinely funny place to come and have a laugh Lets change it then Dave. Make it your mission to make funny posts! Bring back babe of the day and this place will soon lift up a bit BOOM! As long as it's not Poo of the day..... Or SpursMadDave posing as Babe of the Day!
  4. I like your style! This should be a fun place. If people took a chill pill as they entered they'd have a lot more fun! Totally agree Stew, used to be a genuinely funny place to come and have a laugh Lets change it then Dave. Make it your mission to make funny posts!
  5. It's only natural, isn't it? Last and final warning. You are purposefully trying to start an argument. The only reason I haven't taken action is because I'm in a VERY good mood. If I have to intervene again it'll be no mercy!
  6. I have faith in our membership that they can keep this light hearted and fun! Other names can be considered.....
  7. Don't worry Beavis, I know you're not so racist as you're trying to be. Stop trying to get a rise out of him! iBeavis is too busy on his imacpadbook listening to moooooosic on itunes!
  8. It will only end in tears if people let it end in tears by taking it too far. EVERYONE knows where the line is, it's up to them if they cross it. Grown ups know how to behave so should act accordingly. I'm up for that. Maybe someone will start an 'alternative names' thread for all the Team. If it gets personal then the team might too..... be warned everyone!
  9. You have your own world where you're living into, buddy. Wake up call? Honestly. Dude. This is a FUN thread. If you use it to have a pop at Beavis again I will take action. It was not created to make personal insults against another member. You are more than welcome to poke fun (as I'm doing ) but please don't make it personal. Right, on with the laughs. Mein Fuhrer will not let you join in Wales run otherwise!
  10. No. I love having fun. Get with it man! Fun or out, it's your choice!
  11. So Dave and Octet vs 7 billion.
  12. I have set up a poll to see if we can persuade Beavis to change his username to Hitler for one day! This is all in fun as although some people don't think so, Dave actually has a brilliant sense of humour and lots of votes might exert enough peer pressure for it to happen!
  13. I like your style! This should be a fun place. If people took a chill pill as they entered they'd have a lot more fun!
  14. Scarily this is one of the most sensible posts on the apple threads!
  15. Well I gave O2 a call..... They couldn't give a price as they haven't been rolled out yet (apparently) however the customer retention lad (I have learned to call them first instead of upgrades) said she will be able to do a deal on the 4S but is unsure what yet. I called as the 4 was coming up at hundreds of pounds on the website as an upgrade which I though was odd. Anyway, at least I know I can get a deal through them due to my loyalty.
  16. Having been to Romania last week and experience super-fast 3G speeds 7.2Mbps it makes you wonder how a very developed country as UK can't do better at this. http://www.cosmote.ro/en/connectMobileH ... &cid=20368 Same for broadband networks, you get unlimited traffic at 100 Mb/s speed for 39 RON / months, equivalent to £8/month... Pffffff and when I call my clients in Bucharest and Ploiesti they cry that their internet is slow and make me do stuff. Not anymore!
  17. Thats because Apple screw them so much over sales margins they make bugger all profit off them Yep. And take a 1/3 or line rental too or something??? I'm on a £35 a month contract but get 20% off I believe. That was an 18 month contract. I can easily stomach that. I would not spend £40 a month on a phone. I have a 4S reserved through the shop my mate runs (CPW) however I might calll O2 and see what they'll do.
  18. Nice code! Haha, cheers Colin. Postage would be more than it'd cost me to buy a cheapy one as a test! I think I'll get one of those plates that Chris`I posted.
  19. Yes, it's all great saving a few quid however there would be tears if it went wrong as the insurance wouldn't pay up!
  20. I'm with 02 and get discount on my bills etc but I'm going to have to look at the monthly costs seeing as everyone limits the data. I also don't get 3G where I live only the mega slow one however Orange do have 3G. Just a shame that the networks aren't that keen to compete for business with iPhones
  21. It'll get Siri to speak to aswell I'd imagine.
  22. Have the 'contract' prices been announced yet?
  23. 12th for iOS 5 and 14th for handset I believe.
  24. Most probably the car it came off. Obviously it needs fixed but I don't think it's anything to worry about.
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