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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I heard that too about the rays. I must say I prefer them but it is down to personal taste.
  2. To be honest I thought Nissan dealers providing great service were Dodos. It's nice to see someone getting the service that a premium product deserves.
  3. I probably would Andy. It does make sense. Although you'll have to find a non Zedder to buy it as anyone who has trawled through forums will realise the warranty isn't the best - depending where you go though!
  4. I'll buy oil that is recomended through the forum I think and supply my own. I'll probably upgrade bits as they need changes like plugs etc.
  5. Forget babies and lets get back on track here.... Anyone else got views on this?
  6. Tim, would you not agree though that to extend the Nissan warranty (I'm thinking more as per my example) would be a good decision? Agreed that a lot of other extended warranties have far too many get out clauses. To be frank Andy I wouldnt want to put my trust (or money ) in any warranty product Nissan Uk endorsed... from what I can gather from this forum they seem to try and wriggle out of their normal warranty obligations never mind an extended one.....my own experience with Nissan warranty service has been from poor to abysmal, but this is with a Nissan commercial vehicle,and I wouldnt want to prolong the relationship any longer than nescessary My thoughts exactly. Although I can't complain at Nissan GB as they have been fine with me. The Stealer has just been shocking. They have put me right off.
  7. That looks pretty cool but the yanks comments crack me up!
  8. Yep, I'm with you Stew (as I think I've already proved!!) Although I've been trying count the butt cheeks in your sig since I signed up and I always end up going back to the start and counting again......
  9. Sarnie is obviously one of the many people that believe that manogomy is a bit of wood....
  10. You guys must all be english teachers or something. Give me maths anyday!
  11. Good idea. Have you called Nissan GB directly?
  12. Don't reveal where you went to school either with speling like that Ha ha
  13. Sprog + 350Z as only car = No
  14. Very nice indeed. I think I'll just stick with the kinetix one.... if it ever comes!
  15. Not your fault Kev, the two cards will probably drop onto the doormat the same day!
  16. Well my work is being carried out but the dealer just isn't up to standard Paul. Gus - It's 3 years old in March and I will be keeping it for a couple of years anyway. Unless of course the bird forgets to take the pill or something.....
  17. What about the bryl cream hagar?
  18. After a huge fall out with my stealer I no longer trust them to work on my beloved car. I'll let them carry out the remaining warranty work - if they'll deal with me that is..... I just refuse to give them MY money. So, is it worth going to a performance car specialist for servicing when the warranty is finished as they are used to working on cars of the Zeds caliber and not micras? Also, how would it effect the residuals and resale? Are people put off by non Nissan stamps or would an enthusiast not be bothered as long as it was a reputable company that had done the work?
  19. Nissan stealers should all be shot. If only Lexus had made the Zed
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