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Everything posted by Stew

  1. She would. Those cheeky girls are scary skinny. I'd be scared I snapped them.
  2. My thought is that she might introduce you to the hots ones though.
  3. You'll only need to see the first 45 seconds to see the car So I won't have to look at that tart Viv swanning about the woolpack? Result!
  4. I don't use calenders but my dad always get 'glamour' calenders made up for his company for the boys offshore. I would get hollyoaks calender as there are no 'ugly' ones. The 'ugly' girls aloud bird is looking ok now though.
  5. I haven't seen it but I might actually have to watch emmerdale to see it!
  6. Monaro! Is it Hagar that has one on here? Bit of a beast and I think loads of space. Either that or I would consider a CLK perhaps? You could get an M3 for that money too.
  7. Stew

    Winter Cars!

    I'm a youngster so I don't remember much before the mondeo was launched I suppose. Well I'm racking my brains can't think of much else excitement. I do like the wedge shaped TVRs though. The Stag was my intro into Triumph as my dad had a summer toy one in Java green (very 70s!) for 5 years or so from '99. I loved the noise it made.
  8. Nice spot. BTW, hi Nissan - sort out your customer service! So how does the 'Darth Vadar Z' look in the flesh?
  9. I'd imagine that a paint guage is standard kit for all detailers. The 350Z is VERY thin paint! Detailers don't just clean the car, they restore the paint and make it like new. This is a real art form. The results can be absolutely amazing.
  10. Welcome and enjoy. You'll like the 350Z, it's a little comfier than the VX!
  11. Well if they ever have an OC sports day Kev, you'll be last picked. Not being in the 'in crowd' is rubbish I'm sure you're really worried as they are such a mature bunch!
  12. I don't make resolutions but I will be doing my bike test this year (that's motorbike direct access not cycling proficiancy!) I also wouldn't mind losing some weight..... If I buy a bike I will as I'll not longer be able to afford eating!
  13. Stew

    Winter Cars!

    I took the Zed out today as it was 7*C! What a difference, the gearbox isn't like stirring soup, the steering is pretty precise, the clutch isn't a mile long and the suspension doesn't wobble about like jelly! You also sit IN the seat in the Zed not on it! I couldn't drive at first due to not running it for a while but soon I was loving it again! Was just a shame to pack it away again afterwards.
  14. Stew

    Arrived Today

    Looks pretty good! You must have the first 350Z I've seen without a grounding kit!
  15. Might be easier to get a set sent from the states as these are standard equipment over there. Here they are limited to the GT4 so getting a genuine set might be more difficult (unless Sarnie sells you his!) I think they are maybe available in japan too but not sure. I'm sure someone will be along to tell you for sure!
  16. Well Nissan couldn't replicate the fault on the road. How did it struggle to get to top speed? Did it not hit the limiter at 155mph or di it hit the limiter at a lower speed? I haven't driven my car to the limiter, I had it pull hard to an indicated speed lower than the limiter (not much) but I had to back off due to a mix of fear and a bend coming up! Nissan customer service are terrible and to be honest I wouldn't fuss about buying another one with a warranty but I won't let some W@nker suits put me off my car. Would any other manufacturer be any better though?
  17. I ran about with just the radio for a while but I would just replace it. Put it in to a quality audio dealer and it shouldn't cost more than about £30 (unless things have changed?) to fit a good quality headunit. It might even be free!
  18. Fair play to the guy for having that much guts and being so serious about his cars. I just think I'd rather be in a customised range rover in the snow and leave my MC12 driving to the summer, well at least not snowy!
  19. I change them when they are split or just not wiping properly. A very important thing to have good windscreen wipers!
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