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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Whilst the Nismo pad is an improvement on the standard I would still say the Ferodo has the edge. The material on the Nismo is a good friction compound but what it lacks is modulation which is where the Ferodo scores. Many people talk about pads purely on how quickly they will stop the car from a hard stop, this is all well and good however performance driving requires differing degrees of modulation so that the brakes are not just used for stopping but for setting up the car pre-corner, this is where good modulation can pay huge dividends for fast B road driving and track driving. It can make quite a serious difference to how the cars aspect will be comming into a corner. That sounds impressive. Shame I still don't fully understand.
  2. The wind is mental, makes driving quite interesting too...
  3. Goat sha**ing is the initiation test..... so I've heard!
  4. Stew

    Winter Cars!

    Ha ha! Well it is to a point I suppose. Same way as a TT is a Lambo if it's painted yellow!
  5. Cheers dude. I'll have a play and then let you know.
  6. I have council sky (freeview) but might still steal the logos if (or when) I get one. I might download the software then, didn't know you could do that.
  7. Photoshop anyone? Maybe all painted would look good but not black on a kuro.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-3-5L-V6-Engine-and-6-speed-Gearbox_W0QQitemZ280068296077QQihZ018QQcategoryZ10402QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LIGHTWEIGHT-JAPANESE-WHEELS-SUPRA-350z-more_W0QQitemZ280066452852QQihZ018QQcategoryZ9888QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Women drivers kerbed wheels!
  10. Just wondering if anybody could recommend a good learning remote to control my TV, Amp, DVD and DAB. More compatability would be better to future proof it for me a little. I'm liking the look of a phillips pronto RU950 but I'm open to suggestions. It must have Macros as I'm sick of tripping over remotes and want to 'one touch' everything! Any ideas?
  11. Dave, it's nice to see you appreciated your Dad. I'm sure he'll be missed by many more. My condolences to you and your family.
  12. They are going to take over the world..... Can't wait!
  13. The R8. Looks pretty good. If they do make it I bet it doesn't look like that though!
  14. My dealer has improved however if you have to go to Nissan Motors GB they will not warrant a lot of claims. Like the gearknob that this topic refers too.
  15. Oh, got my chrome gearknob on that replaced too with no problems. And wheels!
  16. I think it is within some manufacturers. I took my Lexus in with a broken stereo - sound familiar? Anyway, I walked into the dealer unannounced and was greeted with a pleasant 'Hi Stewart' They got a mechanic to look at it and he said book it in in a couple of days. This is the reg of the courtesy car you'll get..... Stereo replaced with no bill - 8 months out of warranty! Awesome. Nissan take note, this is what we want!
  17. Nonsense Just check the price difference between a Nissan and an equally specced porsche. To get a Z you have to go into cayman S territory, making the buying price for the same level of equipment approx 50% more expensive Different price bracket altogether I could of bought a Porsche but I chose the Zed as it's a cracking car and insurance is much cheaper! My dads lexus cost 2.5 times what my lexus cost and the service was NO different. Both equally brilliant. It shouldn't make a difference on the price of the car - the company should be proving that it is wear and tear, not us proving to them that it isn't! IMO Nissan have a potentially major problem in good will as they are alienating their clients (premium clients do expect more as people who spend big on cars are usually successful and get what they want - to a point!)
  18. She was in hollyoaks and a few years ago used to regularly wear a school uniform!
  19. I went silver on my lexus as the discs were silver. On my Saxo (chav perhaps but great when you're an 18 yo student!) I had pale gold as it matched my EBC discs! Black is good though, Think I had that on my shitter Nova
  20. I'd guess it was big money for chrome! I'd do the rays silver and if you fancy colour how about getting the 'squares' on the spokes black?
  21. Yep, you're bang on Stew - back up to DD - good girl!!!! I'm right - there is a first time for everything.
  22. I've painted them on all my cars ecept the Zed as I have brembos. Iive gone silver or a goldy colour. Never bright colours. I don't think it's chav tidying them up!
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