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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Never connect a Hi-pot to your nads! Less current is safer - Sure, I've never known anyone to get electrocuted on a circuit with no power! Watts (<----- geddit???) electrickery guvnor??????
  2. Good luck on that. I looked into the same thing and all the insurance companies wanted around £500 for me to insure a "second car" on a multi car policy. For me, that meant there was no real benefit to having a shed as a second car when you have to factor in £500 insurance, roadtax, MOT, tyres, servicing etc... The rent Vs buy argument is a no brainer in my area. Aberdeen house prices have risen month on month for years. The only time it falters is when the oil price drops significantly. Also rent here is astronomical. I guess you have to factor in this too before deciding on that.
  3. Invidia chip thing? My works laptop had that. Pain in the ass!
  4. Gallardo. Simply because it's the most 'exotic' of the 3.
  5. Great post. Ok, I'm guilty of flaming sometimes however this was a great post that educates rather than lectures. Now I'm sure the member will learn from his mistakes himself, be thankful people weren't hurt etc etc. I'm hopeful that anyone on here would ensure an area was safe before performing such manoeuvres. Now the best thing to do is speak to ZMANALEX on supply of parts to get it sorted.
  6. Im pretty sure when i looked at the figures for my 1999 stock R1 they were supposed to be able to do 186mph! We weren't at full speed and there were 2 of us on the bike. 174 mph was quick and dangerous enough seeing as we were going over a few humps in the road making the bike jump a bit, I was literally sh*tting myself! My mate (the owner) claims it goes past the 200 mark. That makes sense seeing as it had a few modifications carried out on it. I think it would take A LOT of modifications to get a road R1 over 200mph, from what ive seen 190 is fairly achievable, but over 200 needs serious h.p. It's game of diminishing returns, as the speed rises, air resistance gets stronger and stronger (bikes are crap at aerodynamics) so you need more and more power for each step up in speed. Also, im talking about actual speed, as a lot of bikes clocks are miles out. Ionce read stuff about a Hyabusa getting from GPS verified 192mph (or thereabouts) to a genuine double ton. It needed about £10k of additional work or something mad like that.
  7. Don't be scared if you have to pay off the finance. Make sure you do it though as then you know it's done. Logistically it'd be a case of calling up and paying it off when the seller was present I'd say. Find out how much he owes on it, you might get a good deal....
  8. Someone posted that on Facebook last week. I was cracking up. The guy doing the Quiz looked like he didn't get it..... but looking at him I guess he's never got 'it' before....
  9. Another thing to get checked out is your power steering. The pumps can mess up when people are doing them!
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=filjihe00Go&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLB9A88A21C80EFB99 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3U4tfDL6ZXM&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL_BFqiJujI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piCuoqHfYEQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGA9xTU8GQU&feature=related Not sure if it's a repost but it's worth putting up!
  11. The shape of the spoke on those wheels is very GTR....
  12. Well I bought my own house at 21 - got the keys the day I turned 22.... Bought the Zed 18 months later as I had money to afford it. Now I'm 28 and looking at committing to building a house on land I am acquiring in the next year or two - No flash cars for me as I won't be able to afford both. You have to take stock of life sometimes and weigh up whats important.
  13. Really silly question I know but do you know how much it actually costs to run a house? Basically double your mortgage payment and that will be ball park for the actual cost. Can you afford to run the car?
  14. Stew

    Wheel refurb

    Powder coat can take a few days. It's worth it though as the finish is so much harder and more durable. Wheels see a lot of punishment so I'd always get a hard finish on it but that's my personal opinion. Someone local would maybe lend you wheels to keep you mobile.
  15. Stew

    Front end...

    The slam panels are really cool.
  16. Stew

    Wheel refurb

    If you are going to paint them I'd wait. If you are going to powder them I'd do it now. Just keep away from the curbs!
  17. This +100000000 Just got hold of Twilight Watch to read.....and I dont know who has translated it from Russian, but its bloody horrendous. Daywatch was good too Some kind of wonderful has to my favourite from the eighties... Baywatch was awesome..... Oh wait. I'm not big on 'little known' movies these days. I love well written and possibly not that hyped movies though. things like Fargo, lots of stars, fairly well known however not a 'massive' movie.
  18. It really is seriously cool. I like the juke anyway (not afraid to admit it) but with the GTR wheels, big brakes and that kit it really is one of the coolest cars around.
  19. Snow socks aren't designed for 'using' though are they? They are designed to get you unstuck to drive on fresh snow I thought.... As soon as you get onto grippier stuff (tarmac or hard packed snow) you remove them.
  20. Stew


    I forecast weather by looking ou the window. If everything is wet then it's either raining or recently rained, if it's all white then it's snowing or recently snowed and if my eyes squint then it's probably sunny. This method has never failed me yet!
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