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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Tyre Paint

    When did it become a craze? Don't. It looks sh1t unless it's on a race or muscle car!
  2. Well worth having an RC car to play with. I have two....
  3. I'm looking for an updated version of the european disc from my Alpine Sat Nav. I really don't use it but I'd still like an update! Any idea where to get one? I've been looking on the net but keep drawing a blank!
  4. M reg astra turbo diesel in a fetching purple trim!
  5. Stew

    Pics Of Tinting?

    Tinthaus did my *ahem* Saxo. Is it still Scott that runs it? They did a good job on the wee shitron. I'll see how yours turn out and how much it costs and I'll look into it perhaps.
  6. Dry it properly then! ha ha! As sl114 said, take it for a spin before drying it. I don't to be honest but I open up everything to clean the shuts.
  7. I love Leffe blonde but have been drinking a lot of carlsberg export recently. I think it was ona special at Tescos and my mate brought round a crate for Poker night. I am quite partial to it for an easy drink. Couldn't give up red wine or bombay sapphire.
  8. I always wonder how dealers decide whether you can afford a car or not. It's strange. I look all the time at different cars but I love the Z. The best thing I did was getting a burner to drive about as the Zed feels so much better and more special when you don't have to use it daily.
  9. These people should start to realise that just because they can, they don't have to!
  10. Can't wait to see what they are Sarnie!
  11. They look great. I love mine.
  12. Stew

    Pics Of Tinting?

    Who's doing it for you jobo? My dads rangie is tinted all round, I think it was pentagon that did it. It's dark at the back and legal at the front. He thinks he's a pimp daddy but the legal limit is dark enough to give an effect!
  13. Stew


    tough one. Cheapos would do the job but I'd feel guilty putting them on and seeing your old CTR in a ditch witha broken 21 year old driver being pulled out in the local paper.......
  14. Better check my online banking!
  15. Well I'm on a rig this week so it's whatevers on the menu. Just had a nice bit of Cajun Mahi mahi. Generally I like food. I'm fat and I like to eat! Not fussy but I hate quiche. I don't know why but I do!
  16. Well you have to appreciate the skill and effort but WHY?
  17. If it's yours you should give me it! It's awesome!
  18. I said Amuse as it's different but I do like the aerosync.
  19. PM sent for some more info on that one so we don't clutter up the thread.
  20. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-300ZX-ALLOY-WHEELS-AND-TYRES-19-DEEP-DISH_W0QQitemZ230091198808QQihZ013QQcategoryZ9888QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem This them? I like the design. Couldn't comment on anything else as I'm not a wheel expert.
  21. It was good. I was being paid handsomely for it too! I used to take my dads shogun offroading up here. There are loads of places up here to take cars offroad. Not allowed to take his jeep now though...
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