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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Dear Santa, This year I'd love it if you'd bring me....... Fill in the blanks folks, we can't get away from National Santa day or Christmas as it's known to the non PC.... This is the place to keep you list. You never know, if you leave your PC open on this page that wish might come true!
  2. Stew

    Toyota FT-86

    Are you Chris Harris??????
  3. I can't wait for the snow! That's when the car adventures start! Woooooooo!
  4. 17 import wheels are the smallest I've seen on a Zed.
  5. So they are investigating the M5 motorway crash and think smoke from a fireworks display is to blame..... Sorry, this maybe didn't help but if the cars were driving at an appropriate speed for the smoke and at a safe distance then surely this would never have happened?
  6. I'm not into 3D TVs..... I personally have a samsung in my living room and it's lovely. At work we just got two 60" Sharp Aquos TVs and they are actually very nice. We have a further 4 52" Sharps that are about 3 years old too. We had 5 but one failed recently. 1 out of 5 in over 25000 hours continuous use isn't bad I don't think.
  7. Stew

    Number Plates

    I'd use (minimum) one in the centre and one each side. This will keep the gaps even and ensure there is a small gap between the plate and the paint.
  8. Give it to me! If you forgot you had it you'll never miss it!
  9. Idon't sea the harmony with the sea..... but I actually quite like it!
  10. Stew

    Toyota FT-86

    Wait till you go to your first meet! We have some OAP (and close to it) members on here. Also, two of the older members (no names ) are two of the fastest!
  11. I saw it mentioned in the last Evo.
  12. Stew

    Toyota FT-86

    Katy Perry is definitely a sporty number! Oooooooooh, I'd like to.... kiss her!
  13. Stew

    Number Plates

    Looks great with the plate straight onto the bumper. Much cleaner than the nasty plate holder.
  14. Just wait till your married Liam you're just getting me more excited about my wedding and married life!
  15. Stew

    Smoothed Spoiler

    I have always liked the Blitz spoiler - not sure if it's available these days though! It was just a bit bigger than standard but looked brilliant. Ings spoiler is chunkier but smooth. The OEM boot spoiler is still one of my favs if I'm honest!
  16. Ahhh, well I think it falls into two camps. Those that believe an accident is avoidable and those that think it's unavoidable. I am in the avoidable camp. You may not intend to lose control and kill the family but why did you lose control? Were you going too fast (avoidable), conditions bad (see last one - two fast for the conditions can be 15 mph....), car badly maintained (avoidable), 'it came of nowhere!!!!' (Did it hell, you didn't notice it - avoidable), etc etc. Ok, nobody intended it to happen but usually it's avoidable. To me that would make it a crash. The person driving the car has intentionally made an input - steering, throttle, brake etc. Another car example..... You are on a track day and you've done a few laps, you are in the zone but you feel the brake travel a little more than usual. You continue to push on. Three corners time you wipe out two cars. Is that a really unfortunate accident? Or should you have started a cool down and pitted while your brakes recover? You certainly didn't intend to wipe out the two cars but you did. Accident or crash? Maybe my thoughts are if there is accountability then it's not an accident. As I say, it's a debate,
  17. That's an interesting one.... If you kept a 'safe zone' around you then I don't think you'd hit the car in front. I only mention it as a hay fever sufferer, and I have come close a couple of times, it’s very disorientating Haven't we all done a sneeze and veered??? It's bloody scary sometimes!
  18. That's an interesting one.... If you kept a 'safe zone' around you then I don't think you'd hit the car in front. That's a little silly...... TThis isn't a debate about insurance so the 'fault claim' thing doesn't make sense. This is about while you're driving and are involved in an incident not 'acts of god' etc.
  19. He's a nice man really isn't he!
  20. Mega - 1) if someone pulls out in front of you and you hit them is that an accident? 2) My favourite one off the compo adverts 'I was given the wrong ladder while installing a fire alarm, I slipped and broke my arm and was off work for 3 months so I sued the company I work for..... Is that an accident? My answers. 1) That's not an accident.... thats a crash. The person pulling out made a conscious decision to do so. Sure, they didn't want to crash but they did as a direct consequence of their actions. There is far more to it than that obviously. 2) Is it hell. The dude knew it was wrong so shouldn't have used it. Again, he didn't mean to fall off but he did as a result of his actions. Feel free to give us some examples.
  21. We were given an example of an 'accident' that every police force has claimed for themselves..... I think it's pure theory though! Horse rider in a tall walled estate 1/2 mile from any road, she falls off her horse. The horse bolts. Mororcyclist riding along a country road. Nice relaxed and legal pace, no entrances etc and on a well sighted piece of road. dry stone wall one side and a tall wall to the other. Suddenly, the motorcyclist is blootered off his bike by a horse that has jumped the wall! This is being used as an example of an 'accident' as the motorcyclist was definitely not at fault, no way you can expect or anticipate a horse jumping over a tall wall. The horse rider was not at fault as they had taken precautions to ride away from the road etc. It can make for an interesting saturday morning debate!
  22. While at my works defensive driving course recently (we do a practical every year and theory every 2 - I do 0 business miles a year!!!!!) we were posed an interesting question. On the roads, do accidents exist? Now we were asked what the definition of an accident was, we reckoned a true accident was a totally unavoidable incident with nobody at fault. The rest are crashes. Do you agree? If you do can you think of an incident that is a proper 'accident' and not a crash? If you disagree - state your case.
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