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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I knew you would be, you can't maintain it with all these gym trips and stuff. It's just not possible!
  2. No wonder they are looking in Nixy..... My folks are in a similar situation. They share a long private driveway with a neighbour and have there own drive to park the cars. My folks drive is built to take 11 cars so is rather big. Loads of random kids come to cycle on the long drive but use their drive to swing bikes round. My Mum has lost it a few times as we all like our cars (mine is sometimes arked there when I'm away) and she is terrified something happens. I like it when parents come to complain my mum has upset there kids. I've answered and explained that this is a private residence. They have go arsey so I've asked them to leave details so I can send the bill for damage to their house, or alternatively I'll come and play on their driveway! Anyway, just tell the little sh*ts to F*ck off.
  3. Stew

    Zed Plates

    I had S4XOH on my saxo. I sold it afterwards, made a few quid too.....
  4. I have a magnificent beer belly Val, you jealous of that?
  5. Bloody Russians. I like the old Volga in the background of the boot pics!
  6. As I walking back from the supermarket (via the pub.......) I spotted this happening. Now I have seen loads of take offs and landings and I have partaken in my fair share too. I thought I might aswell watch the excitement as I live about 2 mins walk from the playing fields in question! http://www.thisisnorthscotland.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149664&command=displayContent&sourceNode=149490&contentPK=17851667&folderPk=85696&pNodeId=149221 The exract is taken from the local paper affectionately known as 'The Daily Neep'
  7. Lower the tone why don't you!
  8. I got home on Friday Jods. It was a weekend of digging when the sun was out! I was meant to be away yesterday and back for my holidays on friday but I greeted until they changed their minds. B*stards!
  9. At least now the little boys dad knows he has nothing to worry about. The way he's looking at those girls!
  10. She even knows some of the colour shades. She was a car novice when she met me but I soon got her to take an interest!
  11. Just stack them high for that money!
  12. Every car washer should have two buckets. I am anal and have three. One for doing my wheels, one for shampoo and one for rinsing my wash mitt!
  13. I think my girlfriend spotted you yesterday. She said she saw a red import and it might have had your reg.
  14. I can take no credit. I like the bums though! :teeth:
  15. I doubt it! Would be interested to know though. The police don't wear homing beacons so I don't know how you'd 'detect' them.
  16. god luck with the op. please post the sexy nurses stories after you're out!
  17. Ha ha, you gotta laugh that fakes are better. kinda makes you think you are paying for the name!
  18. Sarnie, Scotland are absolutely Pish in footballing terms. You don't have to sugar coat it for me!
  19. Mine is blue but my reg plate is very similar to my user name!
  20. What was the par for the course? It sounds like a pretty short course to me! 78 is still a good score.
  21. Now I know what I'm keeping my eye out for! You'll easily know me when you spot me!
  22. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2005-NISSAN-350Z-GRAN-TURISMO-4-YELLOW_W0QQitemZ260139621579QQihZ016QQcategoryZ18238QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem No number given
  23. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/nissan-350z-roadster_W0QQitemZ120140717820QQihZ002QQcategoryZ18238QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Nismo kit..... Speed racing me thinks!
  24. Probably got 3 rev counters and 3 battery voltage indicators
  25. Ad throw him in front of the next pikey that tries to run the good guys over....
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