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Everything posted by Stew

  1. It's being pitched as a Zed rival and should be in right hand drive! I think the design won't age as lets face it it's a thirty year old design anyway! It looks AWESOME!
  2. Stew


    My aunties property is covered with CCTV. She lives out the road a bit and has CCTV to see who enters her property with a laseresque beam that makes a noise and switches on the recorder. She also has a cattery (like dog kennels but for cats) on the property so it's to protect them!
  3. Nissan Customer Service should be in there. The other stuff just makes up part of a package, yes even the 80 - 100 micron thick paint! Nissans attitude to Zed owners (in my area anyway) are SHOCKING! Also, Nissan are dull, they make Micras!
  4. That's better dude!
  5. Stew


    I read your post wrong Jacko. I jumped to the wrong conclusion.... I get that from my mum......
  6. You wash your Zed too much. It's shrunk!
  7. I want the LE37Ts.... badly! I can't afford them right now due to holiday commitments! Damn my 'won't use credit card to buy car stuff' rule!
  8. Maybe he's run away before you BAN him!
  9. I think every review and item on top gear has been staged or completely made up. Even in the olden days! I still don't care as it's funny and is the most entertaining show on TV.
  10. Stew


    *Off topic* Are the optional Rays wheels like I have on my 04 different to standard fit wheels on an 06 say? On topic My mate does it for £40 a wheel. I wouldn't have thought it would be much more than £50 quid but I haven't had them done!
  11. I think they are cool. I think they'd look better on my Zed though without the graphics and carbon fibre stuff though!
  12. Well done Beavis for donning the mod hat!
  13. Well done and good luck anyway!
  14. I didn't want to spam the topic when I noticed. I thought Beavis might give me into trouble....
  15. I have an AWESOME sound system! However copies always have crap sound. I was going to see if it was any good.
  16. My lexus was much cheaper to service than my Saxo. Much better service too! I won't put my car to Nissan so not sure how much I'll be!
  17. I'l maybe give facebook a go. Just can't be arsed today! Join and make your profile private!
  18. I have BEBO. I use it sometimes. I have about a million in vitations to fcebook and never joined. Too much to keep a track of. The BEBO thing is not too bad though, doesn't seem to be so much of a dating site!
  19. I'm too young to have done this yet. I am however trying to make a big leap in my career at the moment. I'm moving from a very specialised sector in the oil and gas business to a much broader job. It's a lifestyle change! Should pay off as it opens many new doors to my future though.
  20. I have a DVD at home of this. I hate copies but will give it a watch. Yippee kayae Mother F*cker!
  21. He does work in a manage a fancy pants travel agency where you can't leave without spending about £3000 per person for a cheap holiday! It's insane! The power of the internet will kill off high street travel agencys I guess. I normally book online too!
  22. Funny that as my GFs dad is a travel agent and he is not busy at all. It must be all people using the internet!
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