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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Sold my 370

    Nice.viewtopic.php?f=70&t=55967# My Mates mum has a V8 manual as her 'Good car' (has an Evoque for everyday now) and hers is often seen with the dogs bed in the passenger seat as the dog just goes with her! Hers is a V8 manual too, had a shot one day, was very nice. Quite a popular car up here and fairly discreet really, lets in use daily - including winter. You get noticed when you boot it though.
  2. I was told Meister Rs were brilliant by the SVA team running the 350 in the EDC. Thats the thing with 'tried and tested' - someone has to be the first to try and test.
  3. Not at all. A good experience to share.
  4. Chris. I think a lot of things..... Ok, There are a few things to look out for which can be found in the FAQs and tech sections of the forum. Have a search and all should be revealed. When you thinking of buying? What spec do you fancy? Any colour in particular in mind?
  5. Technically you could run a Zed with no rear spring at all!
  6. Or heat it up while clamped in spring compressors! DIY Chav mods at their finest!
  7. That's the most extreme way to get a 'kiss better' I've ever heard!
  8. I haven't seen the programme but know of 5 or 6 orders in Aberdeen alone... Some of which have been fulfilled. One I know of was specced with optional extra winter wheels so it could be a daily driver to replace a GTR. They'll easy sell the allocation worldwide!
  9. HMRC can be a pig. My Dad got hauled over the coals for his expenses. They made him pay back money for unreceipted taxis he took while visiting his base in Dubai. I don't know whether he took the taxis or not but I know he can't walk to the free zone from the marina!
  10. Buy coilovers that can be adjusted further than the Eibachs lower.....
  11. I'd do the flywheel too. If you're paying to do one then you might aswell do the other. I'm also the type that nearly always upgrades consumables parts too when they go. If you pay then you might aswell make a change!
  12. So if you got the 45p a mile that is required then why are you celebrating? I'm confused!
  13. Stew

    Reg change over

    Shouldn't take more than 5 working days if you go into the office. Do it by post and it can take ages.
  14. I have quite a few friends with horses that'd oblige! I'm sure I could organise a procession of tractors with slurry spreaders on. That'd be better!
  15. The law doesn't apply to cyclists obviously! The problem is on country lanes with limited space for overtaking even two abreast is too much.
  16. I HATE when the local cycling clubs ride 3 or 4 abreast and block the road. I've seen them 6 abreast on a 1/2 mile straight blocking both lanes with me behind. I never want to appear aggressive and wait behind patiently however I am shouting and going nuts in the car. I'm not a road ragey person at all but that REALLY bugs me. I'd love to beep my horn and tell them all to go and copulate with themselves however I feel I need to rise above it all!
  17. Jayne takes great pleasure in relaying a story of a recent encounter with a cyclist. He was sneaking up the inside after going in and out of cars. Went through a red light. When the lights went green another car in the queue put on his blue lights and proceeded to pull over the cyclist. Not sure what happened to said cyclist but I hope they got a good telling off. Not like they could give them a TS10 with 3 points and a £60 fine.
  18. It's a shed, it's removable so might aswell do something silly with it!
  19. Fast growing Oscar the kitten using my 'Ban' button while moderating the Forum.
  20. Should be a rule in the detailing section!
  21. If you need Sparky help Ross give me a shout, My old man is a sparky to trade and he often has lots of supplies lying about. He also has a lot of buying power at the wholesalers so can get stuff (even showers etc) at reasonable money.
  22. It's winter. The prices are dropping but Winter never helps.
  23. Start at 35 psi then adjust up and down until you find something you're happy with.
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