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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Go into a good shop with a short list and try them out. I remember when I bought the Exlim trying out another one but it wasn't good to hold and wasn't very ergenomic with button placement. The Exlim was excellent for me as is this panasonic leica one.
  2. 305s????? That's more rubber than the durex factory! Take a few more pics, maybe side on and from the rear.
  3. I had an Exlim and drowned it at sea world in San Diego. I broke the screen. I bought one those Leica lensed panasonic things to replace it. Seems to be pretty good. Just as easy to use as my exlim was but with a fancier kind of lens. I only buy cameras to lob in my pocket so I'm not too fussy. I haven't tried anything else recently so can't comment!
  4. Stew

    KAD Brakes

    Ooooh they are purdy! Is that a match for the Brembo colour too?
  5. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9112&highlight=oil Just hit search in the top part of the page and typed oil!
  6. A sump plug gasket. I posted part numbers before....
  7. Stew

    Sound Deadening

    A tonneu cover helps as does changing the tyres!
  8. ha ha! That was meant to be derogatory, in a friendly way of course......
  9. Dangerous, Indestructable, Clever, Kickass Or D.I.C.K for short!
  10. Super Cukoo? Cause that's what you are buddy!
  11. Why not just buy a volcano and make an evil layer in it?
  12. Perhaps an elaboration on the problem might help.
  13. Diesel Astra! Like my gay purple one! It'll anly cost you about £60 in fuel for the whole trip too!
  14. Or buy a proper house and has floors under the bed and not cars!
  15. Lazy did you say! I don't know. Probably. A good quality wax should go on mo problem and if you rub it in you know it's gone where you want it to! In all the nooks and crannys and not on your discs etc!
  16. Stew


    You moved to Holland?
  17. That's what you get for asking a quetion in Halfords! Wax is a sealant. Polish is not. After applying polish you should always apply wax!
  18. Captint posts occasionally, normally when his name is mentioned! Not sure about Hanel.
  19. Stew

    Split Rim Refurb

    Yep, popular with bikers that stuff! I haven't used it on a car though so couldn't comment!
  20. Not a shame as I just heard there is a heatwave! I will be home this weekend too!
  21. Adam, you could also try the london airports ie Heathrow or Gatwick or possibly Manchester too. Depends if you fancy hiring a car and driving on the wrong side or maybe one of this mob could swing by for you and take you there........ Only suggesting alternatives due to price and availability of flights! Hope that helps a little.
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