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Everything posted by Stew

  1. She could leave on the hat though.......
  2. I might buy it then. Just for a look at the feature and the improvements. I know they wanted to appeal to an older market. Personally a relaunch with a new name might have done more!
  3. It's all personal. I have a DC and honestly it doesn't drone and if you boot it, it's loud if you pootle about it's same as standard (well nearly.) I like raspy note at high revs. I once got abuse going up the main street in Aberdeen on a Friday night though, Having left the cinema I was driving home. Stopped at a set of lights and as I pulled away I got abuse from these two guys who thought I was revving at them. My girlfriend thought it was hilarious. I decided to stick the clutch in and show them revs. They actually jumped. Ace!
  4. Or you booting more it to get a bit of noise!
  5. Well seeing her in those skimpy bikini bottoms I know she isn't a bloke. I stand by my decision. I would. And her mate. Louis is gay as he wouldn't! :lol:
  6. Not me, although they are pretty different, if you knew my ebay and you knew I was on here, I think you could get between the two, but you couldnt prove anything this scammer used the sme name on Ebay , Facebook , photobucket, Etc etc.. dead easy to googgle and come up with all her details as well as photos(nice rack by the by ) I would.
  7. Well it thrashed along George Street and stopped at a junction I was crossing. Then tore off. Sounded cool but not throaty. As I said sort of bikey high pitched. I did like the note though. What you need is a nismo or a DC....... :lol:
  8. Think it was just a GT4 with a nismo when the lap time was set. Hard to tell the amount stuff he bought and sold on without fitting! :lol: Just kidding Liam!
  9. And finished...... Strated reading all 45 pages when you posted it up at lunchtime. :lol:
  10. How much!!!!! I haven't bought max power since I was about 19. 5 years is a long time......... Well done Envy and hope it gets some more column inches in time!
  11. Stew


    Well I'll report that it was brass monkeys this morning in Pau. Frosty as hell. Then at 10:15 it became glorious and I needed my sunglasses on...... It's tough working here..... shame about the long hours.
  12. I saw a nemesis car in Edinburgh. I have no idea what the exhaust was but it was high pitched, kind of a bike-esque sound. It was pretty cool. Hope that is clear as mud for you!
  13. Cut the fuel tax. Cut benefits for those who can't be arsed to work. Cut income tax. :teeth:
  14. Well done. Great article there..... so I lied, I can't read it but I can see the pictures and that's enough for me!
  15. You're right but we should...... :teeth:
  16. We have a jokes and BABES section. Little Miss wants a hunks section. I think we'll all start posting pics of ourselves!
  17. Hello Mal and welcome. Hope you get the mini shifted and get the Zed!
  18. Us Scots have something to offer! I like to drive from my house to Bachory, over to braemar and up to glenshee. It's not the best drive in the world but you can take it easy to enjoy it or hammer on. You get to wave at the queen too if she's up! If I'm feeling adventurous I'll then go from glenshee to perth too! Lovely local road.
  19. Me too! :lol: I like it and I'm going to stick to it...
  20. Either that or wait for a second hand one to come up. They do - not very often granted and go for around the 500 mark. If you do the math it only costs 400 anyway....... 900 (when you buy new) - 500 (when you sell second hand) = 400 B)B)
  21. I can't believe the Evo X is so cheap new. What a bargain!
  22. It's an american designed car for american people on american roads. It doesn't seem to crossover too well. They are kinda bling though!
  23. Stew

    Mines 350z

    I thought they liked turbos.....
  24. The thing with lexus is the claimed figures are usually on the high side. Very easily achievable without burning up clutches (in the manuals...) and tyres. I (like others on here) had an IS and I'm sure it was quicker than the stated 0-60. My dad had an RX. Same thing. My dads ex business partner had a GS300 and a GS430 sport and guess what, same. The 430 sport was way quicker than the figures would have you believe!
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