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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I have some gloves with grippy palms for driving duty in these chilly mornings. They even have a tap on the thumb and index fingers so you can use your 'smart phone' - they are awesome! My old man has a climate controlled steering wheel which I think is a much better idea!
  2. At least we drive our Zeds I resemble that remark!
  3. Gaytastic! Very YMCA!
  4. Can anyone explain to me how the frig this is someone elses fault?! this is why its bad to make assumptions about ANYTHING! the girls clearly assumed that the sirens/lights etc were flashing for the 1 train, and as soon as it had passed then thought the sirens would probably stop.... they were wrong! The first rule about assumptions..... Check your assumptions.
  5. Just shows the different expectations of people when buying a car. I tend to know what I'm looking at so don't need the salespersons knowledge or lack there of. I do expect said salesperson to be able to get the answers to any questions I have in a timely manner though without BS and I also expect to be able to 'deal' too. At a main dealer the salesperson should have a good knowledge of their products though. When a sales garage is advertising a car on the net or whatever I expect the advert to be accurate though, there is no excuse for spending 5 minutes checking the details of the ad.
  6. Happy Smurfday to you, Happy Smurfday to you, Happy Smurfday dear Pappa, Happy Smurfday to you!
  7. Stew

    Black Gold

    I want one. The advert sold it to me!
  8. Absolutely Rich. Same with those convicted of a crime... Why should people that have convicted a crime and ended up in prison have the same (probably more) rights as those that are law abiding tax paying citizens? If prisoners got a really hard time in jail they'd perhaps come out of jail having learned a lesson and be motivated NOT to go back therefore becoming an asset to society instead of wading in and out of 'easy' prisons where they feel comfortable in the routines set.
  9. I'll be honest, I wouldn't expect a dealer (apart from a Nissan dealer) to know about the Z. It's a fairly low volume niche market car. Why should they be able to rattle off the spec of a car they probably see one or two of every couple of years. It doesn't make you a bad salesperson not knowing the spec, it's about getting the right answers with no bull.
  10. A big thanks to Mitz from me. He sorted me out with EBC SUV pads for my Navara. They were delivered quickly and at an excellent price. Mitz really went above and beyond to help me out and it was appreciated.
  11. Why do you not have a link to your website Chris? Get it sorted so we can click on the banner and go to your website!
  12. Stew

    Home service

    ZMANALEX can do servicing packages I believe. All genuine stuff. I do mine with my mate. Always good oil, genuine filter and sump plug gasket. They aren't a difficult car to do routine stuff on.
  13. I've just been looking for jukes on offroad tyres. I want to see a Juke on KL71s! The same as I run on my Navara, it'd look ace with a little suspension lift too!
  14. I keep looking at this and loving it. I want my Missus to want a Juke because I secretly want one..... She doesn't like them though, hopefully she changes her mind because the one pictured is bad ass.
  15. Has Paul still got the lip kit for the Z34 available?????
  16. Similar to my 5N. Same reason for choosing too!
  17. I personally wouldn't bother.... HOWEVER They log complaints and follow up if there are a few normally.
  18. I've had mixed experiences... The last dealer I dealt with was for my Navara. Called for another car which was sold. He said he'd ring round as they had nothing that was what fitted my bill. An hour later he calls and reels off a few cars. The deal was done and deposit paid there and then. Some dealers have people that sell cars and others have salesmen.
  19. I doubt it...... I can see the difference between cheap and midway waxes. Midway and expensive is harde3r to see for me. expensive and super expensive I doubt I could tell. I'm not sure if a pro could or not. It's all in preparation anyway. It's what's under the wax that makes the most difference.
  20. I don't fancy flying to London for that.... I'll do it at local builder Stewart Milnes house. He doesn't live that far away and his house is like a palace!
  21. So if I was to walk into the the gates at Buckingham Palace I could sue the Queen as I wouldn't walk into the gates if the Palace wasn't there......
  22. This. The thing I say most in a day is 'People are idiots'
  23. http://www.monzacarcare.com/zymol-waxes ... a-glaze/0/ Theres one....
  24. Go and look at the top Zymol waxes now....
  25. I actually looked at them when I was buying my Zed. I fell in love with them in the states and again while living in Russia as there were quite a lot running about Moscow. I think they look amazing from the back and lovely from the side. The front was a little soft compared to the back.
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