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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Surely you can go all the way to 70 on a dual carriageway?
  2. The speedo certainly isn't more than 10 mph. Nice pic though!
  3. The tops of his ears have fallen off!
  4. I've always liked the Stagea. I absolutely LOVE Q cars though!
  5. That's because naming a puppy is cool. Naming a car is gay! I'll say NOSHIT should be the name. No Sh*t and Nos hit! Two names in one!
  6. S13 for me please. Looks ace. I like the Zed on LE37s too. The classics are fantastic. The 370 with Amuse kit (minus spoiler) does look good on stock rays spaced.
  7. The dog across the road from me growing up was called Whisky! Zizzo. Means beautiful apparently, has lots of Zs in it.... and sounds cute with Ellie. Eliie and Zizzo. Sounds like a well 'ard group of femme fatales! Isla is a lovely name though!
  8. I actually just did a proper out loud belly chuckle!
  9. Funny, I thought it'd be appropriate to rename this thread 'Octet... Please help'
  10. This is headed for the green room thanks to the mods.... Oops!
  11. Thanks. Don't tell all the girls now! Jayne already told us the truth She never lies!
  12. Thanks. Don't tell all the girls now!
  13. Yes but you smoke your pipe aswell while driving..... so thats expected They are sports gloves and made from technical fabric! Don't confuse me with the gaytastic YMCA glove wearing brigade! I'm choosing to ignore that 'smoking my pipe' might mean something else completely........
  14. I'm not driving a mini metro!
  15. My mate has 'vintage' and possibly other multi k waxes. He however part owns Polished Bliss so therefore can justify the costs involved. Don't be taken in by the 'free refills' as it takes months, costs hundreds in shipping and insurance and is an all round pain in the hoop with customs as they want to charge duty on the insured value and have a big fight everytime it comes back into the country. I get free refills on my Supernatural, always the most up to date version, as I have the wood pot!
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