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Everything posted by Stew

  1. With fast charging I think EVs are a great idea. I love the tech and I would honestly drive an EV if the range and charging time was right. Now Nissan need to bring out a good high riding 4x4 EV.
  2. Winter tyres are the answer. Once the snow gets mega high then there is an issue. If you struggle in a FWD then you'll be stranded in a RWD. The Bentley continental has 4WD so if they have decent tyres they'll be fine.
  3. Ok, I'm officially annoyed. MY other half was just told that we won't have access to our drive for the next 3 days and we'll have no gas for at least one day on Wednesday. So it's snow forecast with temps of about -3 degC and I have no heating. Brilliant. Nothing like getting notice to make alternative arrangements. I understand the work has to be done (probably) but I'd appreciate a little more notice. [/rant]
  4. The Aristo is a beast! I like them. Totally wild and very Q. y favourite type of car!
  5. My Dads ex business partner had a GS430 Sport. That was an animal! Looked ace too!
  6. That's Scary.... I did a quick search and found three friends accidents. My surrounding area is mental for road deaths per population
  7. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, Man truck! I'm hoping I can make the commute in this easily enough this year!
  8. I have snow forecast for the next few days.
  9. If you can drive in this with the Zed Then you are a far better man than me. The snow was this deep for about 8 weeks the last two years running.
  10. Go to the Watford Gap and drive north for 540 miles. Then you'll understand....... We make up for it by being able to drive on PROPER roads the rest of the year though. I'm waiting for the first 'Oh no, the capital is at astand still' news bulletin because there are 7 flakes of snow in Hyde Park.
  11. Aristo is gooood. Just go LS400. Proper drifty luxo barge!
  12. i have my fingers crossed it will be snow snow snow, bring on the snow +1!!!!!!
  13. Shine auto do a good replica. Simply get the grooves smoothed. Look for pics of Shires car.
  14. Next time it's bad up here all the southerners can come up and take my route to work with a foot of fresh snow and not a hint of grit on the roads and see how they get on with a RWD performance car. Even on winter tyres you'll have no chance as the sheer depth will catch you out and prevent you from driving. If I lived / worked in a city I'd have no problem but I live and work in smaller towns with 14 miles of country roads which are not a clearing / gritting priority connecting them. I also work at stupid 'o' clock and the gritters are based next to my office. I see them leave AFTER I've arrived! Fortunately though all the 'can't drive in the snow' brigade seem to live mainly in the cities so it makes the commute easier. I'll stick to my high car with 4WD option and proper tyres. As I was taught in the Scouts 'Be Prepared!'
  15. I concur on both accounts. Get the codes read before you convince yourself the car is going to blow up.
  16. Awesome! There will be loads of info from 5 years ago here. Dorian still knows his stuff so it was a well put together car. His handle on here is/was 'prescience' so search his posts. I haven't heard of the car in nearly 5 years so it's ace to see it's still on the go!
  17. Was that Dorians car a loooong time ago?
  18. You have neighbours on the forum to the North and South! We meet up for a chat (and sometimes a bit of culture) in stonehaven when the weather is reasonable for ice cream too!
  19. Sent it up to me. We had a flurry last night... I wanted a foot of it overnight!
  20. Stew

    My New Purchase

    If you are going to Mod it.... Do it Nismo! I still think it's the best kit for the 370 I've seen! Loads of images here http://www.autoblog.com/photos/first-dr ... o-2293819/
  21. have you shown her where the kitchen is yet? He needs his trousers back first And his balls.
  22. Blow and squirt...... Supercharged and NOS.
  23. You pays you're money and you makes your choice!
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