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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Anymore for this? If not we can close the GB and anyone else that wants them can go direct to Phil.
  2. Cool. Thanks. Now back to drooling!
  3. Cheers mike. What did I do wrong for future reference?????
  4. Get it up! The other pic was better but I messed up the link!
  5. No idea. There was something about it before though. Hopefully I'll find out when Sarnie decides he's not buying the car! :lol:
  6. how about the 'profit generator'
  7. So easy job then Ian? I like it but I have a big shiny box there!
  8. An alternative view of the coat hanger..... http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3032/238 ... 39.jpg?v=0
  9. She dropped my coat! I thought that was where you hung them!
  10. My camera skills leave a lot to be desired Mike but it gives you the idea! A picture really doesn't do the scenery justice! Applecross really is a must! If it encourages more people to meet up there too it can only be a good thing!
  11. He's a nutter! 1. Stew 2. Martin Mac 3. EBIZED 4. beavis 5. Digsy 6. Jim 7. Chesterfield 8. max 9. Martin GT 10. Mr Ellis (ab350z)
  12. It really is so cool that Mike had to tell you twice! edit - Mod power! Mike removed his stutter!
  13. Cool. I'm surprised if he's allowed now he's all kidded up!
  14. The wheels look awesome Chris. You judged the colour perfectly! You got a guide for the rear lens? I have to go mine!
  15. 1. Stew 2. Martin Mac 3. EBIZED 4. beavis 5. Digsy 6. Jim 7. Chesterfield 8. max 9. Martin GT 10. Mr Ellis (ab350z)
  16. I guess so. Was just putting in my 2p that they all are w**kers unless it's a real safety issue where lives could be at stake! For instance a two mile straight with no openings is NOT an unsafe place in my opinion.
  17. Sounds good to me as I didn't ask for the mats! Good plan though Andy. If you got in first then no probs on the lifters. First come first served! I asked for lifters and diverter plate.
  18. Risk of flaming here..... I actually agree with the need for speed enforcement but only in certain conditions. Built up 30s. No need to speed here, it's just plain dangerous. Very bad junctions on high speed roads. The camera should be highly visible though as this would be a SAFETY device not a money maker. That's about it actually. I was done at 44 in a 30 just after a sign and it came from a national speed limit road (60.) My own fault but I did feel pi**ed off. As said above. I have no problem with a well placed safety camera but hate money making speed traps.
  19. Guess so Beavis. I'm just an ASW that drives like a fanny so I'll be ok on my big boots!
  20. I hope I beat you to the lifters. I posted my comment after the PM was sent.......... Lets hope so anyway for my sake.
  21. Far too young but I saw the retro reruns! Spy in the camp!
  22. Quite agree with you. I think they should have to pay to live like everyone else.
  23. I don't think you'd hear anything else at that speed!
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