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Everything posted by Stew

  1. The 1.25 Zetec is an absolute cracker of an engine.
  2. Stew

    Great car ad

    A friend of mine got stung by a scorpion in the desert so had one tattooed around the sting mark... sadly it was a he so it's irrelevant in comparison to the above. I knocked a scorpion out my boot before putting it on when working in the Sahara! I used to see them run about too!
  3. I'd maybe speak with Abbey. Unless you are now ragging the car everywhere it doesn't seem right.
  4. An Elise is a great car for the job. Light, quick and immensely fun. I still stand by thoughts of light = lower running costs. For £5k you could have a sorted track car. For 7-8k you could have an awesome toy on track and road.
  5. Yep indeed. And the video before proves that if this had happened in Scotland she'd have been chucked off on the ear!
  6. What type of man is willing to s**g that though? Probably one cut from the same cloth I'd guess.....
  7. This woman is total scum.
  8. I fear he will be charged with assault. Shame though as he did everyone a favour!
  9. Stew


    I've got 'cash for gold' and 'we buy any car' on the phone right now! Just horrible.
  10. Stew

    Great car ad

    I love the Abarth scorpion tattoo!
  11. have to agree, they might not be pretty like a sports car, but for pure driving pleasure and ability the E39 m3 is a stonking car nearly bought one a while back. was still on my list until i saw the older M5 which has possibly swayed me as a future XKR replacement, as i have fallen in love with V8's E39 is a 5 Series and the V8 M5. E36 M3s are cheap and quick!
  12. The tyres, pads and discs are very frequent in a Zed on track.
  13. Genuine Tommy Kaira rear badge. I like the red on the blue however I would say that...... I prefer your rear end plain Wasso!
  14. What now???? A huge downhill slope probably!
  15. Quite a few have track mods and are regular track dayers. Personally, I'd buy a cheap MX5 to see if you enjoy it and weigh up costs. If you already track and know the costs etc then I'd look at a Seven style car. Just my 2pence worth.
  16. Stew


    Moved it to wanted.
  17. We need it because it's awesome! Rain sucks.
  18. No probs. I'm still at work 12 hours after I arrived so I understand fully!
  19. Well I'll be 100% honest. If I thought I'd see some good boobs I wouldn't look at the road either. I'm ashamed to admit that but I think it's true.
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