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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew

    Nokian WRA3s

    Just to confirm, the sizes listed are correct.
  2. Stew

    40 Profile

    If you run all 4 at 40 profile then it should be ok. One thing I've noticed when I've seen cars that run 40 profile is that the tyres look even more lost in the arches! Another thing is it would effectively reduce ground clearance by a little so if you struggle of speed bumps or anything now you'd make yourself more prone to damage etc.
  3. http://www.portablenorthpole.tv/watch/m ... sGdqcqST8Q http://www.portablenorthpole.tv/watch/m ... _0BaIY_UZA
  4. Ahhhhhh, we get it every year. It's like the coke advert, it's not Christmas until you see that advert !
  5. This is good for Christmas spirit! Is it shown south of the wall????
  6. All, A message has been created here (click me please) for you. Please watch this to find out if you're naughty or nice!
  7. My K series did similar to my Zed. 25 - 28 normally! Not exactly frugal. Reliability is totally hit or miss. They work well in the winter on GOOD RUBBER. This is pretty much the same with any car though. Astra Van with winter tyres is probably a safe enough bet!
  8. Looks just like my old one! Same colour, 5 door k series. Yours is higher spec though - mine had cloth! It was AWESOME in the snow and I even played offroad with mine, lacked torque but was perfectly usable in the rough stuff. No snow here but very cold. Why we've missed out I've no idea, we are normally one of the first low lying places!
  9. I like the S2k. It looks great, goes great and handles great. It's just that I find VTEV Yoooooooooooooo very tiring on a road car and prefer torque. I'd have one as a track toy / fun toy though!
  10. A German guy approaches a lady of the night. "I vish to buy sex viz you." "Okay," says the girl, "I charge £50 an hour." "Ist goot, but I must varn you, I am a little kinky." "No problem," she replies cautiously, "I can do a little kinky." So off they go the girl's flat, where the German produces four large bedsprings and a duck caller. "I vant zat you tie zese springs to each of your hans und knees." The girl finds this odd, but complies, fastening the springs as requested. "Now you vill get down on your hans und knees." This she duly does, balancing precariously on the springs. "You vill please to blow zis kwacker as I make love to you." She thinks this even odder, but figures it's harmless (and the guy is paying). But she finds the sex is fantastic: honking away on the duck caller, she is bounced all over the room by the energetic German. The climax is the most sensational she has ever experienced, and it is several minutes before she has enough breath to say, "That was totally amazing! What do you call that position?" "Zat," replies the German, "is ze Four-sprung Duck Technique."
  11. Only just looked back at this thread..... The tarring work was done to every other house on Tueday this week. Apart from our house! They piled all their road block stuff outside the house and in my garden.... I caught them today after they had tidied up the other road block stuff and were leaving without having done anything to mine.... Asked them how long they'd be 'ooooh, into the new year now mate....' I politely asked for the number of their project manager as 3 days isn't a month. The team leader came over so I've asked him to back fill the holes as soon as he can, no need for tar as they need access again. No steel plating, heaps of crap in my garden and they've had heaps of days with no shows. As for the kilt, only real men wear a kilt!
  12. I have 8.5 and 10s. They are on 20s but I have 245 and 285. Just depends on the offset etc as 245 and 285 are quite 'full' tyres. If you have a very aggressive offset you might need to go slightly narrower or choose a tyre with a softer shoulder curve. What tyres were you thinking of? What offset you running?
  13. Congrats buddy! You can get over to the bike thread for suggestions etc!
  14. 7.62 cm..... Just to two decimal places, don't want to get picky! Emmmmm, I think we need pics of you painted! Mobiles have cameras!
  15. I have pics of Dubai from about 10 to 15 years ago when my Dad started doing business there. Amazingly different now. I've been to lots of strange places that you wouldn't want to go on holiday but each has had highlights.
  16. My Mum and Dad are buying me an iPad, doubt my Dad knows though! It's a lot more than I usually get, waaaaay more however the last few years I've asked for nothing. I am buying some stuff for the missus and her wedding ring just arrived for March so I've said that's her Christmas Pressie - It's locked up in my folks safe now until then!
  17. Stew

    350z rays alloys

    Are you looking for 4? These pop up on the forum so worth looking through the For Sale section. ZMANALEX might well have what you're after. You'll have to make a few more posts before you can PM him though.
  18. I think you raise a good point. None of us saw the lead up to it so I for one feel I may well be very wrong in jumping to the conclusions that the boy was a jumped up little sh*t. I should know to have all the facts before forming an opinion and also thinking along the lines of innocent until proven guilty. The young guys attitude stinks but as you say, we haven't seen the run up to that, he might have started out perfectly civil.
  19. Each to their own chaps.
  20. +1. Little W*nker. As for the 'you've come over and stolen our jobs' brigade. They can get their heads out of the sand. For one, there are jobs to be had if you want to work. There isn't a magic eastern european job factory that creates jobs for people that have moved here, they just get off their asses and work. I personally find these guys a great asset to the country and would happily swap all the Brits on the dole for immigrants that are willing to work and contribute to society. The other thing, the border isn't one way. We are free to go and work in any other EU country we want. The 'hard done by brits' should remember this.
  21. I'm with Dan here. I'd happily pay more to have the job done right. I was about £15 or £20 a corner to get my 20s done but there were 2 - 3 of them there the whole time to ensure no damage was done! I would imagine the insurance is silly for these guys. My Dad was telling me his company just needed to go to £20 million liability for the work they do offshore and he said the premium nearly reduced him to tears!
  22. I would seriously consider buying a higher end kit that's used. Quick change of the seals etc and they'll be new! I'd make sure that spares are available too.
  23. I misread the title. I was going to call you a sick b*stard.......
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