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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Stew


    All of that is EGGtremly confusing. In fact my heads SCRAMBLED trying to read that. You've completely FRIED my brain..... Oh wait, it was a joke.... Did you POACH it off a joke website?
  2. Stew


    Fight eggs with eggs! That's the way to do it!
  3. Every chance you are! Morning after driving can still result in a ban! Don't chance it! Stay safe!
  4. I hope to hell I haven't started as I mean to go on.... The 14 mile drive to the office, on New Years Day, on a Sunday and at 6am!
  5. On behalf of the whole Team I'd like to wish you all a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2012. I'm sure as a club we'll have another big year with lots of shows, events and drives to attend. As always, it's the members that make this club what it is and for that I thank you! So for 2012 may your beer be cold, your petrol 99 octane and your meets dry!
  6. Stew


    Punishment and crime. Beating the crap out of someone for throwing the egg seems a little excessive to me. Although technically you can beat an egg so maybe.......
  7. Still a handsome devil though!
  8. Probably start at the "Leaf" and finish at the "Leaf" with the inbetween bit in the toon probably best forgotten. Just my kind of night. Shame that you are working tomorrow Stew but I guess that it pays the bills mate, and the other consolation is that you are not gonna wake up very ill and hung over like most of us. It'll be a sore one for you! Haha! Well if you fancy first footing my office feel free! All the black coffee you can drink! Have a good night and say hello to Mr Bell from Jayne and myself.
  9. Ooooocha! Where you off to then Alex? Night at the 'Leaf? Well, we'll either be looking at the fireballs at Stonehaven or staying in! I'm working days this weekend so very early morning tomorrow and it'll be a busy day too!
  10. Very apt for this time of year too! I'm sure a few will be listening to Auld Lang Syne tonight.
  11. Stew

    Fame at last!

    Just noted the edit. So guess it was you Stew or that bloke Colin. this time but we know who mcp.php?i=139&f=9&t=57047 Looking forward to your new sig Chris La la la la laaaaaaaaa
  12. Very cheap but can't help thinking it's for a reason... Needs a service, some fault is apparent. Who knows what else!
  13. ^^^^ The seller can't even spell the name of their company correctly.
  14. I have given a simple solution above but how much detailing experience do you have and what products do you have to hand? Just to make sure you get a solution that suits you. I would rate myself at somewhere between noob and total noob I have some autogleen polish at my disposal but don't mind going out to buy additional bits if required Try that first bud. It's amazing the difference it can make. If it doesn't work, come back and ask for further advice. Where are you? You might just end up getting a kind member offering to help.
  15. Only 1, a truck. They account for about 50% of all vehicles you'll see and should be fun. A Man Truck! Grrrrrrrr Or how about a Cadillac or a Town Car. A challenger has more room in it. Any of the proper yank SUVs might be fun - Yukon etc.
  16. I'm very happy being insignificant. I always loved the bit in '28 Days Later' when the army said that wiping out the humans on earth would return it to normal.....
  17. Stew

    Fame at last!

    Yes, the Evo team contacted us to help them update their buying guide but it was very short notice. I helped out with it as I had some downtime that day. The guy then said he'd use me as 'the owner' which wasn't in the plan! The Team here never rest, we've helped with a number of features now in various national publications, given you guys the opportunity to take part in TV commercials, photoshoots etc etc!
  18. I have given a simple solution above but how much detailing experience do you have and what products do you have to hand? Just to make sure you get a solution that suits you.
  19. Stew

    Fame at last!

    Nah, it was mine in the first place..... along with the glasses.....
  20. Well other Aberdonians can..... I never drink it so I have no idea if I can handle it or not!
  21. Whisky dripping down the screen followed by vomit?????
  22. Stew

    Fame at last!

    He's a right handsome devil......
  23. Use user control panel to change the theme to '370z' then the snow goes.
  24. I agree with you. This was suggested before I'm sure but I can't remember the reason it wasn't carried out.....
  25. Well you might find out what's under Martins paint then! All our oil well completion equipment stuff is in Red Oxide Primer!
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