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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Monty needs a win. Who knows though.
  2. Stew

    Front Wing

    Welcome over to the fun one! Best of luck with the search for the wing. Hopefully an easy repair for you.
  3. Me too. I had to pass it on.
  4. Stolen from my local bike site. Sorry to disappoint!
  5. Weird, I got the V+ plenum but would have thought it's 'feel' the same. I noticed better mid range response. The power stated is not peak power though.
  6. Well about 10k will net you a safe 400bhp and the car will be able to handle it ie go round corners and stop! Envy are a good place to start to get an idea. They do PE kits. Have a look in the FI section for loads of info. Some good posts by Baptist, zmanalex and heaps from Prescience. Terre has also forgotten more than most UK tuners know about Zeds.
  7. So I'll see them in two weeks......
  8. Having a look for some Gliptone for my seats. Which one should I go for? I know Gixxeruk has had great results with this so want to give it a go. Just want to make sure I get the best one for my cash!
  9. To be honest, not a bad idea!
  10. Well I'd be out under the bonnet looking for signs of scalded plastic then. Could be the engine cover.
  11. Sorry about that! Hopefully it'll be repairable!
  12. Was it front or rear. If front I may be able to help.
  13. emmmmmmm Can't remember but think I would have...... I'd have a check oil isn't dripping somewhere hot.
  14. Stew


    Done. That was easy!
  15. Stew


    Thanks dudes. I tried a few places last night but none had it in a drop down. At least I know I can contact them!
  16. Stew


    I'm looking for someone that does legal numberplates that don't have excess border. It's got to be legal but 'cut down' looking. Does anywhere do these or do I have to buy a normal one and cut it down myself? If so what is best to use? Thanks!
  17. I couldn't rise above it. Sorry. Glad you got free stuff, but they were spoutng off how they look after their customers blah blah blah....
  18. Teach your dog inside football. No balls in the house when I was a kid however if you rolled a small ball to each other then this was sometimes ok.... You could teach him that. Either that or just play Xbox with him!
  19. Doesn't really work the same with blokes....
  20. Had it with nearly all my cars. I wouldn't worry. The late school mum with the Jeep with bad breaks going 45 in a 30 doesn't get abuse....
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