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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Good to hear not all dealers are muppets! Horrible situation to be in but seems that the dealer is making it as painless as possible. Maybe a GTR order will come out of it. It certainly is in Nissan GB interest.
  2. I think the thing to do would be research, research, research! I reckon 10k will get the suspension, brakes, wheels etc sorted properly.
  3. How deep are the scratches Chris? Major fingernail grabbing stuff?
  4. It is Tom Hunter. The entrepreneur of Sports shops such as Sprots Division etc. Stewart Milne is too tight! Hope Arbroath is better than EH. They are a shower of sh**es. So when we having an ABZ meet????
  5. The dude in that PH thread was a to55er. I stopped reading after 2 pages as I knew where it was going! Ok, we are all pro Zed but really I think we are all realists. We know there are better cars out there. We know there are worse. This one just fits our needs.
  6. Whats the final outcome of the project?
  7. There are a few ways to do this. Properly Wrongly Cheaply Expensively Speaking to someone that's done it all very recently and mentioning figures he suggested that 20k to do it properly was about right!
  8. I hope he doesn't have 475 as I believe it's on stock internals! Glad you had a more constructive and informative than mine Dorian!
  9. Not sure to be honest. I normally eat where I fall! Never went to any fancy places. You might laugh but maybe try the plaza or some of the mega fancy ones overlooking the park or something. If you want more input give me a shout. I haven't done everything there but I have done a fair bit! Also, I can speak to Jaynes Dad (when he returns from holiday) as he works for a very upmarket travel agency specialising in America. They can get deals on very nice places!
  10. Nice pics Stan. See, that's why Scottish beef is best! The weekend was as much about boozing and the scenery as it was the driving! Alex car was immense. Shame I had to drive. A passenger ride will have to be arranged very soon! I think Jayne wants one too!
  11. Nice pics Stan. See, that's why Scottish beef is best! The weekend was as much about boozing and the scenery as it was the driving! Alex car was immense. Shame I had to drive. A passenger ride will have to be arranged very soon! I think Jayne wants one too!
  12. Stew

    New seats at last

    Lovely. I'm liking them.
  13. I was watching in my rear view. Then went screming past! Andrews overtake on Mark was more impressive number wise!
  14. School Yard tactics. Pretend you hate each other but we all know the truth! :lol:
  15. Well I hope you learn from your mistakes. Save it for places you won't get caught!
  16. When we came into Kinlochewe I was REALLY impressed he wasn't far behind! Especially after Mark and Andrews tales of overtaking!
  17. Liam, Been a couple of times. Once with the boys and once with the other half. Going to a show on broadway is ace. Then walk up to The Stage Deli (quite near to Times Square) for some midnight food! Top of the Rock is better than Empire state but I did both last time as you kinda have to do empire! Don't waste your time going on to the island with the statue of liberty. It's better spent in battery park / financial district or the pier areas which are cool. Walking over Brooklyn bridge is cool. China Town is worth a look as is little Italy. The village is nice and Washington Square has a real buzz about it. Central park is nice and the hirse drawn carts is a nice way to see it. Go to Times Square in the evening for the first time. It's like Vegas, looks better at night! Hmmmmmm, I could go on and on to be honest!
  18. Glad you made it over Frank! I think you'll find you fit in well over here - you know half the members already!
  19. Gliptone all the way! Do the cars, the sofa and my bike leathers with it. Awesome stuff!
  20. Glad everyone made it back! Colin (Ebized) is still out there enjoying the roads! Thanks to everyone for coming. The meet was excellent fun and the organisation had inputs from many sources so the credit is not all mine I'm afraid. I have come to work without my camera so will add my pics tomorrow night. I have to make special mention to Ricky and Karen (Type G) who got crashed into, turned around and loaded their bags into a civic diesel and came anyway! I hope you had a good time even though the car wasn't what you hoped for. I was blown away with the commitment that showed and I am still lost for words at how cool it was for you to attend in that situation! I have one question for you. Who's coming next year???????
  21. Well I'm all packed up. Well need to load the car up and away I go! Enjoy your holiday Chris I and Amanda! See you all when you arrive. Feel free to drop me a text or a call! Max - beers flowing tonight??????
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