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Everything posted by Stew

  1. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2003-NISSAN-FAIRLADY-350Z-3-5l-V6-Auto-Petrol_W0QQitemZ110282002448QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item110282002448&_trkparms=72%3A1301%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 What you think sarnie?
  2. Ok, I didn't know non bose cars had the mounting. I'm sure others will advise on the sub as the stock location (behind the drivers seat) is too small for many of them.
  3. So where are you looking at mounting the sub? I know there are plenty of options for speakers in the stock locations
  4. Not really my cup of tea to be honest. There are some very good single din units out there too to consider. I like a button with as few buttons as possible..... that's just me though!
  5. I'm assuming the last one was taken at 'the national' it is a nice pic but would make a silly entry in my opinion.
  6. Maybe these new members posting adverts should just hand over their Zeds to members with 15k+ posts.....
  7. BRILLIANT The token saturday night Dorian post I was hoping for some more. I look forward to Dorians weekend late evening posts!
  8. Stew


    great idea if you ask me.
  9. Have a look around mate. I'm sure tthere would be threads that you could make a good contribution to as an existing owner.
  10. Stew


    Forum rules buddy. The admin / mod team are here to protect the members bud.
  11. Check the forum rules. You need a minimum number of posts before posting ads. Although that was one keenly priced Zed!
  12. I'm afraid it's done by word of mouth. Shine make some very nice pieces, including Nismo replicas. I have heard very good things about them. Depends what look you are after too! Have a look at the bodykit section in here (stickied) and also the traders. Z1 have a very good site with loads of pics. Hopefully that'll get you started...... Oh and post up anything you find interesting!
  13. Do you currently have bose? Will you be using stock locations? I have limited knowledge in ice these days but I used JL subs last time I had and they are the business.
  14. Got this reply! Yes, modifications to the intake and exhause have increased top speed including boosted aero dynamics. - hard_case_stace
  15. ebay is the wrong place to look for quality. Nismo kit supplied in the UK is fibreglass. A genuine one should have no problems fitting etc. A lot of the replicas (shine as an example) are good quality. The traders on here know what good and whats crap!
  16. Those racing harts look perfect. They suit the car and kit to the ground. Spot on!
  17. Well I'm always watching this place instead of sleeping! Nightshift is handy for that!
  18. Ha ha! Well MMS me any decent pics you might take.....
  19. Nightshift! Tell me about it. I have to design a new training course too! I'm getting on with it though! You hoping for anything in particular to be lying about an get put on your car for £50...... Yes Liz, £50!
  20. Maybe he'll have one of those TT kits lying about......
  21. One of the nicest looking examples on sale today I think. Import or not I think it's a peach!
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