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Everything posted by Stew

  1. By hand. This is Dodos top of the line wax and is meant to be very good. Best to prep the car a little before hand in my opinion but it could be topped up after washing. I'm sure Paul will keep you right though!
  2. Don't worry, I pointed him in your diresction Paul.
  3. Just think what you'll be able to do to the big drug growers and dealers now........ Glad he's ok. Glad you're ok.
  4. I have a set of spare Xenons Stan. It's a pair if you want them.....
  5. That is brilliant! Well worth a try!
  6. Stew

    20"s on a Z

    Cool. Just something to question. I had 19s on my IS200 but the rim got damaged a bit. I have 20s on the Zed but no probs.
  7. Stew

    20"s on a Z

    Something to consider before going 20 is what roads do you drive on? It it's full of potholes then I'd be wary as the rim could be damaged. Apart from that 20s are fine and the Eibachs great!
  8. Can I voice my opinion please...... Boo hoo! When RACING these things happen. It's not a sunday drive like the Wales run or the Hoon. It's RACING. These guys are paid to try and win! The idiots are sucking the life out the sport! It could be great if they let the drivers get on with it! Get rid of the idiots and it would be amazing again. Nothing new, it just annoys me that there is a 3 month trial after every race. Anyway, sorry. It really gets me that these talented drivers and teams that pour millions into it are getting shafted by folk in suits with ties, not race suits.
  9. Best ask Nixy or Bronzee...... or Fran! Girls are better at knowing whether things match or not. Or Louis as he has that 'quality' too........ :lol:
  10. Strange one. As Marzman says, is it the standard alarm?
  11. Safe to say I'll attend an event or two next year that you organise!
  12. Stew

    20"s on a Z

    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15564&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=15 Not sure if they are exactly the same but close enough to give you an idea!
  13. ~didn't know that! I knew there were differences between the LHD and RHD cars but never knew things like that were different!
  14. Yeee haw! Well you had better crack open a cold bottle of budweiser and watch some racing boy! These things are cool though and the facts are good.
  15. Wavy Navy....... :lol: :welcome home Alex. Good to have you back!
  16. I was wondering about the size of box required too.
  17. Sounds weird but is the pic with the stickers not the wrong way round. I seem to remember the battery being on the right. In the pics I'm sure the battery sign is on the left item..... I guess you put on the stickers yourself. Just thought it was odd.
  18. Rob, do you know if the sub mentioned would fit in the OEM location? I'm guessing it would have to be 10"..... I'm not up on Zed audio at all!
  19. Kev is on the forum. Z boy bought one so he will be able to tell you the quality.
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