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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I have a screen in my cubby but it was there when I bought the car. Others on here have very interesting things going on, screens, dual screens, PCs etc!
  2. I was allowed to drive the vans at dads work when I was young. He gave me a shot of his Granada Cosworth when I was about 13. It was awesome! I used to find any excuse to start his Triumph stag when he had it too! I was older by then though so it was alright!
  3. Ok, I'm going down to Brighton in December as my other half has to present at the national neuroscience or pharmacology convention - not sure which one it is! She was nominated for an award which was won locally so is now competing nationally. Anyway, Accommodation is sorted in Brighton. I'll wave to RobD7 :bye: Well, afterwards we will stay in London for a few nights. I want to do the tourist stuff. Never done it before. So, where do I stay? I can get some good prices through work near Oxford Street. I'm a London dumb ass so need all the advice I can get. I like nice hotels but don't like to pay too much for them! Any advice welcome! No other preferences apart from nice!
  4. I heard you can also get a universal cherrybomb to fit..... why bother just drill holes in the back box. Cheaper!
  5. Awesome..... I heard a 1.2 CorsaZ sounds ace with no airbox at all! I think taping up holes is rougher than cutting them in the first place. I'm all for saving money but surly there has to be limits!
  6. Yes. Accounts have to be published with a limited company. My old man can often be seen perusing sets of accounts of various competitors / creditors / future clients when I venture round to my folks!
  7. Oh no! Working tomorrow so I'll have to be in early! That sucks.
  8. I find Paramount Comedy is far a more factual channel than Sky News. I rarely watch news and never read red tops. In the whole Iraq thing I watch Al Jezeera more than the western news to be honest. It's amazing how differently the same event can be reported. Ignorant Bliss is the way!
  9. I guess most will be the same roughly but you need to make sure you can change the company name if you want to etc. I believe the cost to set up a Limited company is higher but then so is the protection.....
  10. Yamaha are quite advanced with this, they are using it on the intakes now to vary air flow too. Very cool stuff! I'm not sure what effects it'd have on the Zed, I'd have to see prove it won't do anything bad before parting with cash - not that I would. My Zed sounds cool noisy! :lol:
  11. Get some pics of the Skyline (in all it's guises! ) the Scooby and the Lexus up! You can leave out the cavy / sierra etc if you want!
  12. Of course Colin. You can show us how it's done.
  13. Well I got two for one! Not that anyone is counting! We do need to have a mini meet though! I said to Doug that we'll take a drive next week sometime - not sure if you'll be coming along.
  14. Ok, I'm in. I'll contact you.
  15. All round to Stews work on Sunday - I'll supply the tea! Except I got a text from Doug earlier saying Monday now for pick up! No experience really, just my other half doesn't like skylines and I occasionally allow my thumb print to be visable!
  16. Funny. I just saw the pics and thought Amuse! Very similar in looks to the R35 exhaust. Sweet! Lovely looking car and welcome to the site!
  17. We have them in Scotland. You live in wrong country!
  18. Hi Cara! It' was my fault Doug joined! I'm sure I'll see you soon for a wee Zed drive! You must be pleased the other lady in his life has been shipped off now!
  19. Can the sizes be altered??? I run a legal cut down plate on mine at the front. If this is possible then I'm definitely in!
  20. My bike has that! been used on bike for a while. They use them for torque I think ti adjust the back pressure.
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