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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Feel free to ask any questions you have. Usually someone knows the answer!
  2. The speed limit is 70mph....... How on earth did you find out it was whining above that! ;) Sorry, can't be of help but maybe more detail will spark an idea in someone that knows what they're on about!
  3. :lol: I wondered how long it'd be before the sig police pointed that out!
  4. when you say you wouldnt waste time on it, does it mean you wouldn't touch it? Yeah sorry, should have been clearer. It's a superb deal and if you like it go for it quick before someone else does!
  5. They won't check the tracking out at a service. Best to get the tyres fitted by a reputable company and get a laser alignment done at the same time to make sure everything lines up! I see you set a budget for tyres, I think it will have ruled out the Michellin Pilot Sports so the tried and tested ones available for something around that price would be Toyos or Falkens. I have Toyos and they are great. I haven't used Falkens so can't comment first hand. It might be worth changing them all to keep everything matching!
  6. I think it's only common courtesy to be honest. I think most (if not all) traders would feel the same too. You definitely work enough as it is.
  7. I'm a chemical blonde these days so it's to be expected I suppose! It was a disaster. My only mistake was being organised and changing the clock on my phone proactively. If I'd left it everything would have been fine! So moral of the story, be lazy and you'll be fine!
  8. Saw it on DW. Nice finish.
  9. Stew

    Top 5 mods?

    thats why I went for reasonably priced mods that add style! Must add actually..... 1 - Rear LEDs (oem after 2006) 2 - Stubby aerial 3 - Spacers if keeping standard wheels 4 - Zed badges (replace nissan burgers) 5 - bumper reflectors There. That's less than £500 that will make the car look better.
  10. I'm trying to ignore it. I bought my 2004 car in 2006 when there were none available! I love it though, no point in jumping ship!
  11. To be honest, if you like the mods then bite Francis' hand off for that car. It has had a lot of cash spent on it and is pretty cool. I wouldn't waste any time on it either!
  12. Stew

    Top 5 mods?

    Well it's all personal. 1 - Rear LEDs (oem after 2006) 2 - Stubby aerial 3 - Spacers if keeping standard wheels I think that would tidy up a car.
  13. Depends who the seller is. They are busy and sometimes have LOADS of PMs. Sometimes best to call during office hours.
  14. Well they were very competitive actually but the brake setup coupled with road tax and ongoing house work cost me a fortune! Good forum discount!
  15. Cool. I said I'd text when I'm free next week. Just make sure you get a shot!
  16. Ahhhh, take it easy then. You coming out for a run this week then with me and Doug?
  17. Fantastic. It must have been very overwhelming!
  18. I won't have dried up I'm sure. Sounds like a good meet. The next wales run will hopefully be May! Hoon hopefully first weekend in September but we need to check out a few things first! No excuses when the car is all done up. Wales is a fantastic chance to meet everyone and enjoy some good driving and a great lunch.
  19. :yahoo: Ace. Yet again Martin has put in a fantastic amount of effort to do this. I'm sure everyone appreciates it as much as I do. Looking forward to the calander this year!
  20. Who Me ? Yes you! You know that there is a road north of london now. For wales turn left and for the hoon keep going. Can't miss either ever if you follow those directions!
  21. I got mine basically there was a police volvo estate on the hard shoulder (a1/M), and it had a computer system with two camera's on the rear hatch and it basically was scanning everyones plates. And i got done Didnt no they could do that, thought normally just as such a speeding camera, cheers though bud Is that the ANPR system? Great system in theory. Just wonder how many car with no tax / insurance drove past when they pulled you over.......
  22. Depends what front bumper you're running I guess Mark. I like the trimmed look better on a shorter plate.
  23. So we'll see you at the Hoon next year then and wales.
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