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Everything posted by Stew

  1. Emmmmm, it's 6 degC and the sun was shining driving home at 7.30 am. I feel cheated. I normally smugly get to say that I've been drifting about on a foot of fresh snow.... We've had bugger all!
  2. Dude, that ride is truly scrumptious!
  3. This is the thread where you can show us the cars that you have seen in TV and in films that you've lusted after for whatever reason. So one of the many that I can think of..... As usual, just a bit of fun.
  4. Bloody fast though General awsomeness is high with them in my opinion!
  5. HRV would be good too I reckon and must be dirt cheap to run May be a bit small though - need to have a look at one in the flesh me thinks. Not a very common sight on the roads around Aberdeen. Thats cos it not an audi So true!
  6. I just picked a random cheap one as an example! Didn't even look at it really.
  7. Navaras are HUGE. I mean properly huge. 2ft longer than a range rover (and multi storey car parking spaces) so she certainly wouldn't thank you! My Missus drives mine, I once found a Toyota Aygo in the tyre treads though. Later style CRV is far superior - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  8. The CRV is actually ace. My Mum had the first new style customer car in the UK. Dad said this year he'd buy her an ML. She looked and decided she'd be aswell with a 2011 top spec CRV! It's based on an accord so has plenty room. I have a Navara, pre 2007 should easily get over 30 mpg. My post 07 gets less, waaaay less.
  9. My Mum is on her second newer shape CRV. Faultless in the snow, even the real deep stuff. Both me and my Dad drove it last year when my freelander wasn't working (big hint here....) and his winter shogun was unavailable. Brilliant thing all year round with loads of space etc. Early ones must be about that money. My dad said it was ace in the snow and he's owned Legacys, Range Rovers, Shoguns and an RX and used them all in the winter. Go out to Dunecht 4X4 for a look. See what you like.
  10. "Slow down, you move too fast" Simon & Garfunkel Your a Bad man Dave Don't laugh at me ('cause I'm a fool) Norman Wisdom Check out this bad boy! Ron Jeremy
  11. Too much money too! I just browsed them and thought it was a slightly weird car to most.
  12. Thought I'd resurrect this thread as I was just checking out the prices on these.... The Audi RS2 I remember there was one that I passed locally when they were new and the whole 'engineered by Porsche' thing fascinated me.
  13. Stew

    Focus ST > 350z

    You are both entitled to opinions. Bennet, you are not always correct so perhaps you could respect the opinion of docwra even though it differs from your own instead of arguing about it. FWD, RWD, 4WD, MR, FR etc preferences are all subjective. Maybe some people should get out and drive other cars instead of slating cars they've never driven. Thanks for your points and yes sometimes i am can wrong and would put my hand up. But this was not about right and wrong. As you rightly say its all a matter of subjectivity and thats what i essentially said and also stated my preference. Where did i "slate" anything? I have not been uncouth with my arguments nor shown any disrespect for anyone so why the undertone suggesting so? Debate is healty and stimulating and is sometimes opportunity all parties to learn and should be fun, civilised and good natured especially in an open forum like ours. If this is not encouraged thats Ok, but unbalanced or partial moderating is very unflattering. Not to worry i'll keep schtum and away from any argument. I said 'Maybe some people should get out and drive other cars instead of slating cars they've never driven. :)' - I didn't direct that at you. I don't know what cars you have / have not driven. I very rarely assume anything so wouldn't direct that at you without having facts. Debate is hugely healthy and can be great for learning and fun. Debate without respect for others opinion is just an argument. There is no undertone. I find subtlety on the internet doesn't really work. If I thought you were out of line then you'd have known! If you feel that my moderating is not up to par then I suggest that you either PM myself to discuss it or discuss it with another team member.
  14. If Terry is found guilty of racial abuse then I hope he gets punished to the full extent of the law. There is no place for racism in sport or in this country in my opinion. He should be dropped by club and country and made an example out of. That is IF he is found guilty, until then he's innocent. I'm sure there will be loads of managers falling over themselves to manage England, it's a team with a great talent pool (unfortunately) but they always fall short. Normally by that time the rest of the UK has had enough of the media bleating on and on about the team though so are glad that no trophies are being paraded about London....
  15. Stew

    Focus ST > 350z

    You are both entitled to opinions. Bennet, you are not always correct so perhaps you could respect the opinion of docwra even though it differs from your own instead of arguing about it. FWD, RWD, 4WD, MR, FR etc preferences are all subjective. Maybe some people should get out and drive other cars instead of slating cars they've never driven.
  16. I've had one in my truck several times - It reached 50 in the back! I want one though, best pub transport EVER!
  17. Funnily enough the one I'm interested in is quite a bit more expensive on DVLA than other providers. Still way too expensive for now. Then chances are it'll get VAT and transfer fee added on!
  18. I've been browsing C5s recently..... I have no idea why!
  19. The rear quarter window is pure GTR!
  20. My team are deemed 'operationally essential' for Europe, Africa and Caspian operations. We don't get a car allowance or anything but all drive 4x4s with good tyres on. Also my work have provided us with access to the staff house fairly close by and we can use the local hotel if the weather is bad and get it fully reimbursed. If the roads are really bad then we can ask for a taxi to take us to work and then use the hotel. In my opinion if you HAVE to be in work then there should be contingency in place. I also think that It's your choice where you work and live so make sure you can get in. We are located in a small town and much of the work force come from very rural locations, very seldom do people not show up. We also get paid if we don't show up.
  21. Flipping heck, if you don't know how to clear snow off the car leave it at home......
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